The Perfect Couple episode 4 threw in a surprising, but unnecessary, reveal when it comes to Amelia and Shooter. After this, there's only two more episodes of the Netflix series before it's revealed who the real killer is. At least, that's what I assume. Usually murder mysteries wait until the end for those big reveals. Here's our review of "Someone Could Get Hurt." SPOILERS BELOW.
So apparently Amelia and Shooter randomly crossed paths once in the past, and it sounds like it was just that one time. It doesn't make sense why Amelia didn't want to tell Shooter where she knew him from. The backstory was not a big deal. Sorry but the show is trying to make me believe that one time on the train and then less than five hours built a connection between them. Really? It doesn't make sense to me.

Then in a surprising - or maybe not so surprising given all these characters - turn of events, Shooter and Amelia start making out and Benji sees them. Apparently no one can stay faithful to their partner around here. Is the Nantucket air? Again, I don't see the connection at all and this wasn't even hinted at in previous episodes so it feels like the Amelia and Shooter connection comes out of nowhere. Literally.
With the amount of times The Perfect Couple likes to tell rather than show us viewers, I don't get why the series just randomly throws in that characters know about the affair without explaining. For example in episode 4, Amelia asks Benji when he found out about Tag and Merritt's relationship. We see when he finds out, but how did Amelia get the feeling that Benji knew? There was no prior discussions about it.

The one interesting part about the episode that's become a theme in my past reviews is Nicole Kidman's Greer. She takes the receipt of the gold bracelet Tag gifted Merritt and basically tries to frame him for the murder because she's had enough of him. This was an extreme move, but you can definitely get her motives. Honestly, you go girl! But please, I do not condone this in real life. Just the fictional world.
Though I doubt it's actually Tag or even Greer who are behind Merritt's murder. That would just be too easy. Overall I thought the fourth episode was weak. We didn't really learn anything new except it was confirmed Will had nothing to do with Merritt's murder. But we already guessed that already. It was pretty obvious it wasn't going to be him. The story didn't really go anywhere, and the writing has not made me invested in Benji and Amelia or Amelia and Shooter at all. Episode grade level: C.
Come back tomorrow as we review the final two episodes of the murder mystery, episodes 5 and 6! And be sure to check out our review of episode 1, episode 2, and episode 3 as well.
All 6 episodes of The Perfect Couple are now streaming on Netflix.