Outlander season 7 part 2 premieres Friday, Nov. 22, 2024 on Starz, and there's so much happening and quite a few storylines to tackle. One of those is going to be Roger and Buck, who have traveled back in time together through the Stones to get Jemmy back after Rob Cameron kidnapped him.
This is exciting as we see the relationship between Roger and Buck grow, as well as portrays a different sort of dynamic on the show. Kind of like a "buddy comedy" as Diarmaid Murtagh teases in our chat with him and Richard Rankin! Watch, or read, or interview with the two actors below! Plus if you want even more insight into the upcoming Roger/Buck storyline, check out our interview with EPs Matthew B. Roberts and Maril Davis, here.
Richard Rankin and Diarmaid Murtagh on working together in Outlander season 7 part 2
Show Snob: Richard, you've had most of your scenes with Sophie Skelton since you joined the show. So what was it like to have a new scene partner in Diarmaid Murtagh to kind of bounce everything off of with?
Richard Rankin: It was exciting. It was refreshing. You behave differently with different people. So you'll never have really seen Roger in one capacity, kind of. I don't really mean to make it [sound] binary, but he is mostly with Brianna. So he's behaving in that manner. So when you see him almost exclusively with another sort of, main character, I think you see a very different side of the man. I think you get to really get to know him, get to understand him a bit better. His compassion, his character, and strength of character I think really comes through and shines a lot with Buck. So to have that opportunity to have sort of shown that side of Roger was a real highlight for me and it was a lot of fun.
Show Snob: Diarmaid, it's clear Buck has something to hide. Are we going to learn a little bit more about how he even time traveled? I feel like it wasn't an accident.
Diarmaid Murtagh: More will be revealed. But I think the great thing with Outlander in general is that the hand of fate is kind of at play many times, and the individuals that are thrust through the Stones, quite often, aren't doing it intentionally, or it's not a measured thing. And I do believe that the hand of fate chose Buck in that regard. As to what he's hiding, I think it will become more articulated. I think he, being a man of his time and generation, isn't very comfortable probably speaking about his feelings or how things have affected him emotionally. But his new bond with his five, six times grandson and being in a future time he does start to open up a little bit more [about] the hurt that is there in him. And yeah, the audience will see a little bit more of his origin story for sure.
Show Snob: What are you most excited for fans to see on this Roger/Buck journey?
Murtagh: I think the breakout album between the two guys. [Laughs] I think for everybody, it's such a new style of relationship. Yes, of course, there's the family bond. But, it's kind of a buddy comedy. You know what I mean? It's one of the most beloved formulas of film that people attach to, and it kind of in a way can be described as a buddy quest. I think that's something very automatic that people latch onto. And we haven't seen that kind of a shared purpose of two characters, forming a friendship, but working towards one common goal. And I think it's a refreshing change of pace for the audience.
* This interview has been edited for length and clarity
Outlander season 7 part 2 premieres Friday, Nov. 22 on Starz. Stay tuned to Show Snob as we have lots more interviews with the cast and EPs coming!