Outlander's Matthew B. Roberts and Maril Davis tease Roger and Buck's story in season 7 part 2 (Interview)

Courtesy: Starz
Courtesy: Starz

November is finally here, and that means we're one step closer to the premiere of Outlander season 7 part 2! It's been a long wait, Sassenachs. But, we're almost there. The final eight episodes of the season arrive Friday, Nov. 22, 2024 on Starz.

In the meantime as we wait, we've got lots of Outlander interviews to share with you from the cast, as well as executive producers Matthew B. Roberts and Maril Davis to tease what's to come up next for our favorite characters and this adventurous story. Either watch, or read, our chat with the two EPs below!

Executive producers tease Outlander season 7 part 2

Show Snob: Ned Gowan doesn't appear but is mentioned when Claire and Jamie get to Lallybroch. How is he still alive?

Matthew B. Roberts: [Laughs] You know what? When we saw it in the books, we were like, how old is this guy? He's got the best diet of all time. I mean, I don't know what he's eating, but I wanna get on that diet.

SS: You've obviously dealt with two timelines before at the same time. This time around, you're doing three in Outlander season 7 part 2. So what challenges did that present for you?

Roberts: When we read all these timelines in the books, one of our big questions always is, god, how are we going to do this? Because it taxes production so much. But one one nice thing was that since we film in Scotland, obviously, when you're doing Scotland for Scotland, that helps out. And that was the only way we could do it, is that we were in a place that we could go outside, we could use Scotland as Scotland [in most of the scenes]. We didn't have to build the world as we do when we're in North Carolina or Georgia or New York or any one of those places that force us to build everything. Itt was challenging, no doubt, but that's how we did it.

SS: I thought it was interesting that Buck experiences chest pain after he and Roger go through the Stones which is the first time we see someone experience a side effect like this. Is that going to play a bigger role?

Maril Davis: I think we were at pains, no pun intended, to show that the Stones do have some effects. Claire has been one of the lucky ones that hasn't really had any side effects from it. But we'll see as we go forward that traveling [through the Stones] isn't as easy for everyone. And, you know, we'll get into a little more things as we get into season 8. I think [Outlander author] Diana [Gabaldon] also said at one point, it's not like an elevator that you can just keep getting in and out. There's a limit to what you do, and I think that's one of the reasons why we put this in there to show that, hey. This might be the last time you're able to go.

SS: I thought it was also interesting that you used, Richard Rankin's voiceover for Roger's inner thoughts. We've seen characters travel alone before. So why did you decide to use that storytelling mechanism this time around?

Davis: That's in the book. I think we thought, oh that'd be kind of fun. Richard is so fun anyway, and we knew as Roger he would add something that would make it much more fun and interesting, and he did not disappoint. So I think when we saw it within the book, we were like, oh, it's the perfect time to introduce voiceover for someone new that we haven't seen voiceover for before.

* This interview has been edited for length and clarity

Outlander season 7 part 2 premieres Friday, Nov. 22 on Starz. Stay tuned to Show Snob as we have lots more interviews with the cast and EPs coming!

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