The Night Agent season 2 episode 10 recap: Peter gets his new mission

In The Night Agent season 2 finale, Peter learns what his new mission will be in season 3.
The Night Agent. (L to R) Luciane Buchanan as Rose Larkin, Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland, Amanda Warren as Catherine in episode 210 of The Night Agent. Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024
The Night Agent. (L to R) Luciane Buchanan as Rose Larkin, Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland, Amanda Warren as Catherine in episode 210 of The Night Agent. Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024 | Netflix

The Night Agent season 2 episode 9 ends with Markus (Michael Malarkey) and his men setting up KX to be released in the HVAC system of the UN. Peter (Gabriel Basso) just told Catherine (Amanda Warren) that it’s enough KX to wipe out Midtown Manhattan. So, yeah, this is a big, big deal. 

But, we start The Night Agent season 2 episode 10, “Buyer’s Remorse,” with another flashback. This time, we’re going back eight years to the unveiling of the Anthony Ming Center for Entrepreneurship where a younger Jacob Monroe (Louis Herthum) and younger Hagan (Ward Horton) meet for the first time. Hagan questions Jacob about why he donates all this money but doesn’t want his name on the building, but Jacob shuts him down. He wants Hagan’s loyalty in exchange for a little bit of help. As it turns out, that is the beginning of a very fruitful relationship for Hagan and likely Jacob Monroe. 

At the UN, law enforcement shuts down the UN and tries to clear out civilians. Rose (Luciane Buchanan) goes with Mosley to watch the monitors and identify Markus Dargin. Catherine chews out Peter for all the shenanigans he pulled, but honestly, she should be thanking him for saving the day, which he’s very good at. 

On the roof, the officers get into a shootout with Markus and his men. Mosley sends in the NYPD and FBI to search the building, but Markus and his men strip down into police and security disguises as they move to what Markus calls the “second target.” Even if Peter and Rose stop Markus and his men, Markus has another canister of KX to wipe out thousands of people. First, they have to make it out of the building, which isn’t going so well. Rose keeps identifying the men as they try to flee the building. 

Eventually, Rose identifies Markus, but he is able to escape the building after ditching his security uniform. They find 14 canisters of KX on the roof, but Rose knows that one canister is missing. 

Peter and Rose kill Markus and save everyone

The Night Agent. Luciane Buchanan as Rose Larkin in episode 210 of The Night Agent. Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024 | Netflix

After Markus escapes, Rose uses her AdVerse software and finds Sloane (Elise Kibler) as a possible acquaintance of these guys. They find her staying in the penthouse of a very nice hotel in Manhattan. Rose and Peter go to the hotel.

There, Peter reveals to Rose what he did to find her,  breaking the spy rules and betraying his country, to save her life and get to the bottom of this mess with Markus and the Balas. Rose is frustrated with Peter, but, like, Rose, you are alive because Peter did that? Thousands of people are alive because Peter did that, right? This man is a hero, and everyone is acting like he’s the bad guy when literal bad guys are trying to use bioweapons on the UN and wipe out Manhattan. I feel like I’m going insane. 

Anyway, Peter and Rose try to question Sloane, but Markus has already arrived and set up a chemical weapon in the hotel's HVAC system. Sloane tries to get them to leave because Markus has a gun on her but she is able to send them a distress message with her hand gestures. While they make a plan on what to do, Sloane hits Markus with a vase and tries to escape. Peter goes in to save Sloane while Rose tries to stop the KX from going off in the vents. 

Then, Rose sneak around the balcony and distracts Markus while Peter kills him. Finally, he’s dead. 

Meanwhile, Rose, Peter, and the authorities try to empty the building. Rose and Peter come up with a plan to use a chemical reaction that Dr. Cole (Jay Karnes) taught her (are you serious?!) to start a fire in the vent, which will force the HVAC unit to shut down and trap the KX in the vent. It’s ambitious, but thankfully, it works right as the KX goes off. The chemical weapon gets trapped in the HVAC. Rose and Peter save the day again! 

Rose and Peter break up… for now 

After saving the day, Peter and Rose have the moment the whole season has been building toward. They confess their love for each other, but Peter will now be in custody for the crimes he committed. He asks her to say goodbye to him, to move on, and to forget about him. She says she can’t, and we know that she won’t, but it’s unclear what’s next for the Night Agent and the love of his life. 

I don’t know if they were ever really in a relationship, but we all know that they were, right? 

Jacob Monroe uses Peter’s intel to secure the election win for Hagan 

After a campaign rally for Governor Hagan, Jacob Monroe visits the Presidential candidate. Before meeting with Hagan in his dressing room, Jacob is patted down by none other than Chelsea Arrington (Fola Evans-Akingbola), the Secret Service agent. Everyone should remember Chelsea for her role in season 1. 

Shortly after, Jacob reveals to Hagan the recordings from the tape that Peter stole from the UN offices. We learn later that this is the nail in the coffin for the man Hagan is running against. Jacob reminds Hagan, though, that he works for him, not the other way around. Hagan pushes back on that, but we all know that Jacob is the one calling the shots here. 

What happens to Noor? 

The Night Agent. (L to R) Marjan Neshat as Azita Taheri, Arienne Mandi as Noor in episode 210 of The Night Agent. Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024 | Netflix

Finally, we catch up with Noor (Arienne Mandi) and her mother. They’ve become citizens of the United States and receive their social security cards. They also get a small check as reimbursement for their loss (Farhad’s death). It’s quite insulting. 

Later, Rose brings Noor lunch at her job. It looks like she works at a library, but it’s unclear. Noor and her mother are struggling after Farhad’s death. Noor admits to Rose that she hopes it gets better. It’s a very vulnerable moment.

What happens to Rose? 

In the end, Rose decides she isn’t quite cut out for the spy life, even though she very much is. WIth very little help and no formal training, Rose has helped thwart two terror attacks in a like a calendar year. She’s as good of a spy as any of the rest of them! 

Anyway, Rose wants to return to her job. After speaking with her boss, she gets basically a promotion and the freedom to do whatever she wants in her new role, but she has to move back to California, which she wants to do. But, it’s a long way from Peter. It’s still unclear if Rose will be in The Night Agent season 3, but I do not think this is the last we’ve seen of her. Not by a long shot! 

Hagan wins the Presidency after Patrick Knox drops out 

Thanks to Peter’s theft of the case file, Patrick Knox, who was running against Hagan, drops out of the race, as mentioned. Knox was the CIA Director when the Foxglove weapons were distributed to Viktor Bala, and he’s forced to drop out when that information comes to light via The New York Times. Peter doesn’t understand what he’s done, but Catherine walks him through it very slowly. 

Catherine claims that Hagan is now going to be the President of the United States. Hagan has ties to a major “intelligence broker,” Jacob Monroe, which means that every piece of confidential or classified information that the President has access to will now be for sale. 

Peter finally gets his new mission for The Night Agent season 3

Catherine takes Peter on a little walk to The White House and gives Peter his new mission. 

Peter will be the mole in Jacob Monroe’s inner circle. Catherine asks Peter to infiltrate Monroe’s organization and then destroy it from the inside. Peter is very much down to do it. For now, he’s supposed to wait for Jacob Monroe to call. 

And, that, my fellow Night Agents, will be the premise of The Night Agent season 3. Peter gets to continue with Night Action, but he’s going to play both sides for a little while until they can build a case against Monroe and likely President Hagan. 

I love how the first season started with a phone call that Peter answered that led him to this point in his life. Now, after two seasons, he's waiting for a very different kind of call.

Well, that’s The Night Agent season 2! What a great season of the Netflix original series. Now, we have a long time to wait until Peter is back saving America.