Wow, can you believe we're already halfway through Yellowjackets season 3!? Time is certainly going by quickly. Well, this week we got a new episode, season 3 episode 5, "Did Tai Do That?" And I will say that the writers definitely got me. I thought we were definitely going to say goodbye to a major character, but that hasn't happened. Yet at least. Here's our review of the episode on Paramount+ and Showtime. SPOILERS BELOW.

Coach Scott's fate
As always, let's start with the past timeline. After the girls find Coach Scott guilty at the trial they held in episode 4, "12 Angry Girls and 1 Drunk Travis," last week, now it's time for him to face judgment. And the majority of them decide a fitting punishment is death, unfortunately. But who will do it? Well, just like how the queen of hearts card has become significant, now the king of hearts has a meaning too.
Whoever draws the king will be the one to shoot the coach. And in case we couldn't see it coming from the episode title, it's Tai who draws the card. Tai struggles with the position she's now in, but knows she has to do it. Van suggests she try and get her other self out that would help. And that's actually pretty good advice I'd say. Especially since it works when the time comes. Or almost.
Travis, Lottie, and Akilah go back to the caves and according to a vision Akilah has, the coach will be their bridge home. How is that going to happen? Are these visions and woodsy spiritual beliefs true? I mean, the girls do end up making it back home. So I wonder if Coach Scott really is their ticket back somehow.
In a heartwrenching and adrenaline fueled moment as a viewer, I was fully prepared to say goodbye to Ben in this episode. Everything seemed like it was leadin gup to it. But, the writers managed to surprise us with Travis and Lottie pushing him out of the way just in time before the bullet could hit him. Oh my goodness. I had to take a moment to catch my breath!

The present timeline is once again boring
I really don't mean to keep bashing on the present timeline, but I really can't help it. It's honestly just a bore overall. In Yellowjackets season 3 episode 5, nothing really happens or moves the story forward. Even in the past if we're being honest except for the reveal that Coach Scott is somehow the girls' way home. But even in the aftermath of Lottie's shocking death, nothing really happens.
For each episode, you need to move the story forward. And I just didn't really feel that here. Misty brings Shauna, Van, and Tai together and tells them the news. Shauna plays citizen detective with Walter because she suspects Misty murdered Lottie, while Walter thinks Shuana is the one behind it. Then there's Tai and Van who are also processing the news. Van seems to suspect Tai. Um, ok.
Also, Tai finally has a chance to see her son when Simone calls. He's been asking for her. But then like after two minutes he moves away from her for whatever reason and is upset. Also, did Van really need to be there? Like, can these two not be separated for just an hour?
I will say that moment when Lottie's dad thought he was talking to his daughter, but was actually speaking with Shauna, was sweet. But it does raise the question of why Lottie when to Shauna's home and lied about not having anywhere to go when she could have gone to her dad's. And, that's all that really happens in the present.

Yellowjackets season 3 episode 5 review
This episode felt like a bit of a filler. Even though just as I mentioned above, the Coach Scott stuff really got to me. But we spent a majority of the episode with the girls talking about his punishment where we already knew it was coming after they declared him guilty last week. Then in the present, we really didn't find out any new information about who could be behind Lottie's death or any clues or revelations.
This seemed strange to me. Again, all we see is the women tyring to separately find their own answers. Then Tai's son and Simone pop up out of nowhere for two minutes, and there isn't even progress in that relationship either. Basically if you skipped watching the whole present timeline, you wouldn't have missed anything. And, that's just not what you want to see. I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps 10 episodes is too long of a season for Yellowjackets. Episode grade level: C.
Yellowjackets season 3 releases new episodes Fridays on Paramount+ and Sundays on Showtime.