True Detective Gets Used In Test Question (Photo)

True Detective’s first season put the show and basically everyone attached to it either on the map or back on it. The show is a massive part of pop culture following that killer first season of the show, and it’s becoming clear that the series will seep into our everyday lives as much as it can.

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A Reddit user posted a picture of his finance practice test which featured two questions that featured the characters we fell in love with from the first season of True Detective.

This is just classic and it shows how popular the show has become. Of course, this could have just been in there because the professor was a fan, but that right there is reason enough to applaud the series for having that kind of reach. It’s one thing to have your name out there with lots of people but it’s another to be big enough that you can be used as a test question and everyone gets is.

We can probably expect to see more of these pop up from time to time as it’s clear that even if True Detective wants to drag its feet with production, the series is here to stay.

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