Female True Detective Fans Has Amazing Rust Cohle Halloween Costume


Halloween is right around the corner and fans all over are starting to fine tune their best costumes for parties and other outings. One popular costume this year is Matthew McConaughey’s character from True Detective, Rust Cohle. But you haven’t seen a Rust Cohle Halloween costume until you’ve seen one fan’s take on it.

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One criticism of the first season of the show was how underwritten the female characters were. In response to this — or possibly to just have the best costume ever — one True Detective fan bended genders and went for Halloween gold.

This unnamed fan realized that she had long hair like Rust, had a skinny physique like him and decided that she already had most of the costume figured out. As a result, she has given us the most bizarrely hot Rust Cohle True Detective Halloween costume ever.

Check it out below:

Credit: Reddit

Not only is the costume cool in that it’s a female fan, it’s also one of the more spot-on costumes we’ve seen so far. Nailing the hair is quintessential in getting a Rust Cohle costume right, and being female gets you half way there. Most guys will try to go as Rust Cohle this year and only marginally pull it off. But first prize is reserved for this fan, as it’s the best Rust Cohle costume you’ll see this Halloween.

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