True Detective was a hit this Halloween, with even animated charact..."/> True Detective was a hit this Halloween, with even animated charact..."/>

Family Guy Dresses Peter Griffin Up In True Detective Costume (Photo)


True Detective was a hit this Halloween, with even animated characters like Peter Griffin from Family Guy dressing up for the occasion.

There didn’t seem to be a more popular costume this year at Halloween than the various True Detective costumes that popped up all over the place. Just about everyone knows someone who at least attempted a Rust Cohle costume, no matter if they followed through with it or not.

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True Detective was so big that even animated characters were getting in on the fun, as Peter Griffin from Family Guy dressed up in a True Detective costume this year. On the official Instagram page for the character, animators drew up the Family Guy star in not a Rust Cohle costume but a Reggie Ledux costume instead.

This is further proof of how plugged in True Detective is to the pop culture zeitgeist. Family Guy makes its living off of having its finger on the pulse of pop culture both past and present, and the inclusion of True Detective is both an honor and validation.

Not that True Detective needed validation from Family Guy, but the fact that the show is parodying the hit HBO series so many months after its finale is impressive and telling.

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