Spoof: The True Detective Christmas Tradition Continues (Video)

We may be using the word “tradition” loosely, but take it more as wishful thinking. The holiday seasons are almost upon us. Depending on your point of view, they were almost upon us as soon as Thanksgiving ended.

Now, they’re actually almost here. And what could possibly be more Christmas-y than True Detective? Answer: lots of things, but that doesn’t matter.

The trend started by the True Detective Christmas card has reached its logical conclusion, and what the internet does best: a spoof.

Youtube user Heck Bender has created a True Detective Christmas mashup for the ages, expertly applying Rust’s philosophy of pessimism with Santa.

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The True Detective fandom has created some awesome tributes and spoofs in the past. Not too long ago we collected our favorite, which you can see here. Hopefully we’ll see more from this unholy combination of True Detective and Christmas.

If not, New Years is almost upon us. Perhaps there’s something True Detective in that. Nothing is too farfetched anymore.

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