True Detective Remembers: All the Cats


True Detective Remembers takes a look back at the True Detective happenings of yore in case you missed out.

There are so many True Detective spoofs and mashups. A lesser site would crumble of the pressure, but not us! We eat True Detective spoofs for breakfast. A nice, decadent, weekend-style breakfast. Mmmm.

At some point, however, it’s inevitable that certain fan efforts will get buried under others if only due to volume. Today, let’s rectify that. Even though this particular cat-centric spoof did not make our Best Spoofs feature, it’s still worth remembering.

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The internet loves cats. This is a bona-fide fact, for some reason. So, really, it was only a matter of time until cats and True Detective met each other. Why? We don’t really know. It’s just how things work out here.

One fearless Youtube user decided to take cats and combine them with True Detective, creating the video that you see below. It’s not the best fan tribute out there, but it does scratch a very specific itch.

You know, that “everything must have cats” itch.

There are certain rites of passage that lovable bits of entertainment must pass for them to forever be part of the zeitgeist. One of those steps, for sure, involves cats. If nothing else, this feline tribute proves that True Detective has finally arrived.

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