True Detective Season 2: New Photos Leak of Taylor Kitsch on Set

True Detective has kept very quietly recently, but it’s become impossible to stop paparazzi and leaked photos. New photos have now leaked of Taylor Kitsch on the set of True Detective, some of which have him carrying around a football.

These new photos pair nicely with the set that leaked earlier this week of Vince Vaughn on set and in costume. Although Taylor Kitsch was present in those as well, he gets the spotlight treatment this time around.

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What these photos don’t tell us, however, is what exactly is going on in True Detective’s second season. The photos that have leaked thus far have all be relative close-ups of the major players, leaving us to wonder what’s going on around them.

So while they’re not the most informative, they do at least provide us with a closer look at our upcoming leads. This new batch is the largest thus far, and you can look through them at your leisure right here.

These leaked photos are as close as we’ve been able to get to True Detective’s second season. With just about no social media presence, details have been few and far between. It’s getting about time for us to see a teaser soon which will hopefully tis us over.

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