It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Pays Homage to True Detective and Birdman

We warned you yesterday that this would happen and now it has come to pass: anyone watching last night’s episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia was treated to a fantastic seven minute tracking shot sequence reminiscent of both True Detective and Birdman.

Glenn Howerton (Dennis) even did his best “alright, alright, alright,” channeling Matthew McConaughey.

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Even though True Detective made headlines with its tracking shot in the episode “Who Goes There,” Alejandro Iñárritu’s Birdman makes almost exclusive use of the technique.

Last night’s It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia expertly paid tribute to both at the same time by adding a drum soundtrack reminiscent of Birdman.

The episode featured Charlie, normally the member of the gang who has it together the least, coral everyone to try to pass a Health Inspection. The tracking shot occurred while Charlie was running around the bar dealing with several emergency situations at once. It was not only a solid episode but it was also a great tribute to both True Detective and Birdman.

It’s also worth mentioning again that Alejandro Iñárritu was actually in talks to direct the first season of True Detective but decided to do Birdman instead. Considering how Birdman turned out it’s interesting to think what Iñárritu’s version of True Detective would have looked it.

You can check out a preview of the episode below in case you haven’t checked it out yet. You are advised to do so at your earlier convenience.

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