When Will True Detective End?

True Detective has already left its mark on pop culture with just one season, but loyal fans of the show are wondering just how long the show will last and when it will end. 

When True Detective wrapped up its first season on HBO, everyone knew it would be back for a second season but not many people could project how much further beyond that it would last.

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The theories are endless about the longevity of True Detective but the bottom line seems to be that the show will get out before it stays too long and ruins its legacy. One thing to consider though is that even if the show lasts just three seasons like is expected, we are clearly seeing with season two that the production of the seasons could draw out True Detective much longer than just three years.

Usually, shows run on a year-to-year basis but True Detective is challenging that by holding off on production to the point where we may have to wait until 2016 to see the new season of the show. True Detective has established though that it’s not going to roll that way and the show is going to take it’s own time in getting back on the air.

It’s being thought of as a movie production, in a way, which helps to highlight that True Detective may only last three seasons but could last longer than three years.

That’s the best thing that fans can hope for, as just like waiting for a sequel to a movie, the wait could end up both being worth it in the end and keeping the hype alive for as long as possible.

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