Could True Detective be Overshadowed by its Cast?

It’s common knowledge at this point that HBO prefers to higher A-list talent for True Detective. Even though they’ve stated otherwise in the past, it should come as no surprise that the cast has proven to be a major draw for True Detective fans and non-fans alike.

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On paper that doesn’t seem so harmless, what if True Detective’s cast proves to be more interesting than its content? We only have one season of True Detective under our belt, but it’s a real concern.

True Detective’s second season doesn’t have to be as good as the first, but it does still have to be compelling.

When there is so much focus on the cast it is easy to lose sight of what is arguably more important: the actual story that’s being told. True Detective plays a delicate balancing act that could become more difficult to maintain in the future.

The bigger the show gets, the more stars that will inevitably be interested. But True Detective shouldn’t just be known for its cast. Television series have begun to attract more and more A-list talent, and that in turn attracts more viewers.

But there has to be something else to keep the viewers hooked. True Detective isn’t an “indie darling” that needs to be shielded from the mainstream, but it does have to carve its own path carefully.

When we all start referring to True Detective seasons by who the major stars are, have we lost sight of the larger picture?

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