True Detective fan wears shirt he immediately regrets (Photo)

True Detective has inspired people to do some crazy things in their day, but one fan went a little too far with his shirt that came with the worst explanation possible. 

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The second season of the hit HBO series True Detective is returning in the summer, and until then fans are going to have to try and fill the void anyway they can. For some, that means making fan trailers or throwing together wicked artwork — and for some that means wearing their love of the show on their sleeves.

But not all True Detective shirts are created equally — and not all True Detective shirts are appropriate.

One user on Reddit managed to wear a True Detective shirt that ended up not being such a good idea at the end of the day.

Just judge the shirt for yourself — and either laugh or cringe, or both.


It’s not so much that the shirt is inappropriate, it’s that once you have to explain what it means — that’s when you get into really stick ground.

Basically, if anyone asks this guy about his shirt, his response has to be that he’s wearing a shirt that has the depiction of a serial killing child rapist. You know, casual dinner conversation fodder and what not.

It’s hilarious to those of us on the outside, but for this guy it might be a decision that isn’t something he wants to not talk about every again — or post on the internet.

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