True Detective Should Spice Up its Downtime

Even though True Detective isn’t technically in any sort of “downtime,” it is in full-on secretive production mode. And considering the long wait between seasons, there hasn’t been a lot for fans to go on. The actors involved in True Detective’s second season are under non-disclosure agreements, so they can’t actually go into any serious details.

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That explains Vince Vaughn’s recent promotional tour for Unfinished Business barely scratching the surface of True Detective. We also got word that two porn stars would be involved in an orgy scene for True Detective, but of course they also had to sign NDA’s.

Not being able to share details of a currently in-production show is a standard practice, but usually fans are thrown a bone during that time period.

True Detective is well-known for several things, and its secretive nature is one of them. True Detective doesn’t need to open the floodgates like Game of Thrones does, but some acknowledgement of the fanbase would probably go a long way. Just taking a quick hop over to Reddit shows us that fans are losing interesting in-between seasons.

It’s not necessarily a problem, as most people will return once the show is actually on. But it is something that’s entirely avoidable, and could actually be fun for everyone involved. Everything we’ve had to go has been leaked or is fan conjecture, such as this rumored leaked plot that showed up the other day.

True Detective is an involving show that still has its fans creating fanart and spoofs over a year after the first season ended. But it’s very easy for that sort of goodwill and passion to go sour.

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