This Week in True Detective: Week of 3/16/2015


This Week in True Detective is a feature that aims to bring you the best True Detective happenings of the week. This could include breaking news, popular articles, or anything else that people found interesting or may have missed. Now on Saturday!

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We may not have gotten more information on True Detective’s second season premiere date or the possible directors involved, but that doesn’t mean it was a total bust. We got to welcome a new writer to the fold (more on that in a bit,) and there’s going to be an orgy in True Detective. So there’s that.

Let’s begin.

  • This week we got word of a filming location for True Detective in California. Although we couldn’t make the trip, hopefully some other lucky fans were able to stumble across it.
  • Vince Vaughn changed  his representation this week, and that has us thinking whether Vaughn is looking for a more dramatic change in his career. A change kickstarted by True Detective, perhaps?
  • Colin Farrell gave an interview in which he talked about the fear of returning to television. There’s a joke in there about HBO not being “television,” but regardless, Farrell thought True Detective might end his career.
  • We took a look at what it could mean for True Detective to just be seen as an avenue to revive ailing careers, and we also kindly suggested that True Detective should do some more fan interaction.
  • And the big True Detective news this week: there’s going to be an orgy, and two porn stars were cast for it. Add a possible leak of plot details and now you know what everyone has been talking about.

And that’s all your True Detective news for the week. As we stated earlier, we recently welcomed Sammy H on board so make sure to check out his inaugural post on Netflix’s Bloodlines. As always, drop us a line on Facebook or Twitter if you’re getting up to some True Detective action this weekend.

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