True Detective Season Two: Will the Rest of the Details Come Quickly?


When it comes to the second season of True Detective, HBO has been practicing (perfecting?) the slow release. Information has been released in small bits for the past six months or so, with small revelations coming out over time instead of all at ounce. This is partially due to necessity; HBO didn’t have all of the True Detective leads cast when it started announcing them.

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Now, however, we’ve gone a very long while without any more information. Outside of plot — both leaked and otherwise — and the cast, we haven’t had very much to go on.

With True Detective supposedly coming this summer, time is beginning to run out and there are several aspects about season two that we still don’t know.

At this point it’s feeling unlikely that HBO will continue with this slow release strategy. When HBO is ready to finally begin hyping True Detective season two, it’s perhaps wise to expect more of an info-dump type scenario.

We still don’t know who the other directors are besides Justin Lin, nor do we know who is handling the music. These two mysteries have been dogging True Detective practically since the first season ended. True Detective hasn’t been one for games or social interaction, so don’t expect any fun teasing with these last bits of information.

When HBO is ready, we’ll finally learn what the rest of the True Detective puzzle is, and we’ll likely learn it all at once. On one hand there is something satisfying about that — fans have been in the dark for so long — but on the other it feels like a missed opportunity.

We’ll let you know what happens with True Detective season two as soon as possible.

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