True Detective Trailer: Season 2 Teaser Has Arrived (Video)

After a year of waiting, the new True Detective trailer has finally dropped, and things look like they’re going to be moody in season two. 

True Detective fans have had to wait over a calendar year for new episodes of the show to air, and that what isn’t over yet. But for the first time in a very long time, we finally know what is going on and when to expect the show to return. HBO released the first teaser trailer for True Detective Season 2 on Thursday afternoon and the world is abuzz over our first look at the show.

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There isn’t much to the trailer, as it’s your standard HBO one-minute tease, but there’s a lot to love and plenty to wet our appetites with. This may be a direct result of being starved for the last year, as we have heard nothing at all about the production of the series and fans in the dark were getting restless.

All of the waiting has paid off though, as our first look at the True Detective trailer was well worth it.

Colin Farrell seems to have a Rust Cohle vibe going on, but the other characters are so wildly different from what we saw in Season 1. That’s just a knee-jerk reaction that is based off one single minute of footage, but so far everything looks like it’s going to work out alright for True Detective this season.

True Detective premieres on June 21st.

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