True Detective Season Two: The Spoofs Have Begun

There was a little worry going around that True Detective season two wouldn’t be able to inspire viewers the way that the first did. Not can only is it difficult to predict how fans would react to a new season using new characters, but we’ve been in something of a True Detective drought for over a year.

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Yesterday’s True Detective season two teaser changed that, and it seems to have instantly galvanized the creatives in the fanbase. Using only the footage shown in the teaser, Vidme user jhermann put a new twist on the usual True Detective mood.

You know, by adding a rom-com soundtrack.

It’s amazing what a simple change of music can do. True Detective season two was already jokingly labeled a romantic comedy a few months ago due to the involvement of Rachel McAdamas and Vince Vaughn, but now we’re so much close to that reality. In a perfect world we’d have an entire season of rom-com True Detective along with the regular season we’ve all been waiting for.

This is the first serious True Detective season two spoof that we’ve seen. Seeing something from the fandom so soon this gives us hope that the season (and post-season) may just inspire some great spoofs yet. In case you’re not well-versed in the art of the True Detective spoof, we encourage you to take a look through parts 1 and 2 of our favorite spoofs from season one.

You can check out the clip right here and don’t hesitate to let us know what you think. In fact, let’s take it one step further — if you’re created a True Detective spoof or other tribute, let us know on Facebook or Twitter. You wouldn’t want to keep all that hard work to yourself, now would you?

Source: Reddit

Next: True Detective is back on Twitter

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