Fanart: True Detective Meets Pinky and the Brain (Pic)

It’s time to be honest: we never reasonably thought that the True Detective spoofs and fan creations would continue into the second season. We are more than happy to be wrong. True Detective’s second season was just announced to premiere in June and we were shown the first teaser. Not long after, the first True Detective season two spoof turned up.

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But that doesn’t mean we should forget about True Detective’s first season. The first season was responsible for some truly fantastic spoofs and fan created artwork. And that apparently continues to this day, both proving that the first season of True Detective continues to endure in the zeitgeist and has the power to ignite fan’s creative impulses.

This latest work, courtesy of the Random Pairing blog, mashes up Rust Cohle’s famous pessimistic monologue with the deeply psychological works of Pinky and the Brain. Random Pairing attempts to create a comic combing two different piece of pop culture, whether it be books, films, or other.

Fans of a certain age may not recognize this particular pairing of True Detective and Pinky and the Brain, so we gladly direct those fans right there. Suffice it to say, this is a fine comic mashup that captures the essences of both. And somehow, the sketch quality only adds to that.

You can check out the comic below, and don’t hesitate to let us know what you think. And in case you need a quick crash-course in True Detective mash-ups, look no further.


Next: True Detective is returning to TV.

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