The True Detective Season Two Reviews Aren’t all Doom and Gloom

Late last week, major media outlets were allowed to publish reviews of the first three True Detective season two episodes. It was something of a mixed bag, to be honest.

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It’s not that the negative reviews were actually negative, they just couldn’t help comparing the second season to the first. And in that light, season two fell short.

But that’s only one piece of the puzzle. HBO published a new fifteen second teaser that featured some positive reviews at the end. You can watch the teaser below, but it doesn’t really show us anything new.

It’s basically just a hype trailer, but it does shed some light on the positive reviews. Esquire gave the first three episodes of True Detective season two a good review, saying that it’s “nearly as addictive as the first.” And even though GQ didn’t find the first few episodes to be quite as good as the first season, they were able to enjoy it in its own right: “So okay, fine, season two isn’t as good. Of course it’s not. But so what? Give me more.”

Over at MetacriticTrue Detective season two currently sits at a 63. One thing is for sure: True Detective season two is a divisive experience. At least, the first three episodes are. Reading through the reviews, the major sticking point seems to be that it’s just “not as good.”

But the reviewers that are able to separate themselves from the first season seem to be the ones to enjoy season two the most. Personal mileage may vary on that point, but it’s worth keeping in mind. True Detective season two is not a continuation, and season one’s strong critical reception is one of its greatest enemies.

The second season of True Detective will premiere this weekend. We’ll be there to find out just what all the fuss is about.

Next: This Week in True Detective: 6/08/2015

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