You can now Listen to that Nic Pizzolatto Vanity Fair Story

Nic Pizzolatto rarely gives interviews. The creator of True Detective is something of a social media recluse, so whenever he does do an interview it’s usually worth talking about. The recent Vanity Fair piece is not exactly an interview; it’s a wide-reaching story on the man himself.

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Vanity Fair was able to catch up with Nic Pizzolatto while True Detective season two was still filming, so there aren’t exactly any post-shoot revelations. In case you weren’t able to read the entire article, or were perhaps cowed by its scope, Variety Fair have cooked something up that is perhaps more convenient.

As part of their podcast series, V.F Audio, you can now listen to the entire Nic Pizzolatto True Detective piece. Be warned: it’s 45 minutes long, so we’re not sure exactly how much time that will save. But if you’re the kind of person that enjoys listening to podcasts during a commute, you may get a bit more out of this.

The story doesn’t focus on True Detective, in fact there is very little True Detective information to be found. But if you have even a passing interest in the man behind True Detective, you’re not going to want to miss this. Read it or listen to it, it doesn’t matter.

It’s worth your time either way.

Next: True Detective is filled to the brim with cinematic references.

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