True Detective Season Two’s Ratings are Up

The second season may not be performing so well critically — we like it so far — but that hasn’t made a ding on the ratings. Media outlets were given the first three episodes of True Detective season two to review, and the results weren’t exactly great. But they weren’t all bad, either.

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Even though fans had access to those early reviews ahead of time, they didn’t detract from True Detective’s premiere. Entertainment Weekly is reporting that the premiere episode of True Detective season two was watched by 3.2 million people, which is apparently greater than every other episode except the first season finale.

Regardless of reviews, a show featuring Colin Farrell, Rachel McAdams, Taylor Kitsch and Vince Vaughn practically has a guaranteed viewer-base. At least for the first episode. Then you can factor in the serious True Detective fans who were going to watch anything, and you end up with True Detective’s best performance so far.

After results like these, however, the ratings usually tend to drop off in subsequent episodes. Those that were curious what all the fuss was about now know, and if they weren’t hooked in that first episode they likely won’t be back for me.

Still, True Detective has a passionate fan-base that will keep those show’s ratings in the green at least for the rest of the season. It will be interesting to see what happens to True Detective season two’s ratings after last weekend, but it would be a serious surprise if they stayed the same or rose.

Next: True Detective season two needs has to stop reference season one.

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