Seth Meyers Plays ‘Fortune Cookie or True Detective Quote’ (Video)

The writing on True Detective is one of its strongest points. It’s what gave us Rust Cohle, after all. But it’s also one of it’s great weaknesses. There have been some truly funky lines to come out of True Detective, especially season two.  Our personal favorite, so far, has been “There’s no bandwidth by that,” which was said by Frank. There are, however, many other fine choices out there.

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Making fun of True Detective’s dialogue has become something of an art, and Late night with Seth Meyers has just about mastered it. Seth Meyers goes so far as to re-create True Detective’s season two opener, featuring a gravely-voiced man in the same vein as Leonard Cohen uttering lines such as “Fortune cookie or True Detective. Chinese restaurant or HBO.” You get the gist.

It’s a full-featured skit that goes all-out. There’s even a “sad lounge singer” standing in for Lera Lynn. Nic Pizzolatto’s delivering super noir-ish single lines of dialogue fits pretty well with what one would find in a fortune cookie. One question involves the quote “better to walk before they make you run,” which, as Seth Meyers puts it, “is a real thing someone said on True Detective.”

The contestants are then told to take a shot of “whiskey” and think of the saddest thing that’s ever happened to them while looking into the camera. Something of a True Detective staple. It’s a fun skit that is impressive in its willingness to just go for it. You can check out the clip below:

Via: The Wall Street Journal

Next: Colin Farrell is going to become a wizard.

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