True Detective’s Cary Fukunaga Honored at the Princess Grace Awards

The directions Cary Fukunaga in the first season of True Detective gave the series a unique look and feel. Even though he had nothing to do with season two, it’s become impossible to separate Fukunaga and True Detective. For that unique spirit, Fukunaga has been honored at the Princess Grace Awards for the second time, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

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Cary Fukunaga was first given an award in 2005 for “emerging talent.” Fukunaga has been getting around lately as part of the promotion for Beasts of no Nation, his next major film. The main star of the award ceremony, however, was Robert Redford, so there’s not all that much coverage of Fukunaga in the report. Still, it’s great to see more recognition for the man who helped shape True Detective.

Still, Redford was kind enough to give Fukunaga a shout-out, calling him “a product of what our intentions were all about” in terms of film making.

Even though he recently dropped out of his remake of Stephen King’s IT, Fukunaga has been busy with Beasts of no Nation. It seems that he’s becoming something a major Hollywood talent, even though he hasn’t actually done all that much. What he has done, however, has left a lasting impression.

Season two of True Detective may have been missing a little bit here and there in terms of creative directing, but for the most part it got on fine without Cary Fukunaga. We’ll just have to imagine what his involvement would have looked like, and there’s no reason to believe that he’ll be back for season three. True Detective’s first season was a successful experiment in that it had a single director for the run, and it doesn’t look like that’s an experiment that is to be repeated.

Next: Read a telling interview with True Detective season two's Director of Photography.

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