Explore Hidden Sea Depths with Matthew McConaughey’s Rust (Video)


Matthew McConaughey has been in the news a bit lately. Even though his time in True Detective was over a year ago, his tenure as Rust Cohle has been difficult for popular culture to shake. He’ll be taking the reigns of SNL next month, but there’s a new treat out there for those that want more immediate Rust satisfaction.

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Whatever that means.

Filmmaker, and presumably True Detective fan, Alex Soloviev, created a beautiful short film documenting the alien-looking deep-sea. The film, aptly titled Deep Underwater, features a Matthew McConaughey voiceover from True Detective.

It turns out that all of Rust’s pessimistic philosophy can be applied to great effect to eerie, visually stunning documentary film work. Who knew?

When we say “visually stunning,” we mean it. No hyperbole intended. It’s the kind of work that deserves to be viewed in IMAX. Since we don’t live in a future with personal IMAX theaters at most people’s dispossle, headphones will probably get the job done. It’s a little difficult to make out what Matthew McConaughey is saying, but that’s part of the charm.

You can check out Deep Underwater here:

Besides the freaky True Detective-ness, Deep Underwater also features an ambient and pulsating soundtrack from your nightmares. Combined with vibrant colors and some use of time-lapse, suffice it to say it’s worth watching. According to The Creators Project, the footage was shot in 14-bit RAW. That may or may not mean anything to you, but the important bit is that it translate into a stunning picture.

You can check out Deep Underwater below.

Next: Matthew McConaughey will host Saturday Night Live next month.

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