Jon Stewart Will be Using “New Technology” in HBO Project


When Jon Stewart left The Daily Show, he made it seem like he’d be gone for a long time. He echoed that sentiment a few months ago at the Emmy’s, winning for The Daily Show one final time. At the award ceremony he said that we wouldn’t be seeing him for a long time. So it was surprising to hear that he had singed a deal with HBO to produce new content less than a year after his so-called “retirement.”

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There are still no details out there about this mysterious new project, but in a recent interview with Business Insider, the man behind the scenes has some interesting things to say. Jules Urbach is behind Jon Stewart’s HBO project, and he doesn’t have all that much to say about it. It is a huge secret, after all.

Urbach and his team will, however, be “developing new technology” for the project.

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The current future-world we live in when it come to technology apparently can’t handle what Jon Stewart has cooking. The article does reiterate that it will be “short form content,” which actually makes this all the more puzzling. What could they possibly be doing that necessitates new tech?

Looking at Urbach’s past work, Business Insider comes to the conclusion that Jon Stewart will be creating, and streaming, virtual reality content, perhaps in bit-sized form. Virtual reality is becoming larger, with companies like Facebook, Sony, and Microsoft, all jumping on the VR bandwagon. If this actually does become virtual reality media, it will be a major move for HBO.

Perhaps even the kind of move that would motivate Jon Stewart to not embrace his retirement.

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You can read the entire interview over at Business Insider, which you definitely should if you have even a passing inters in emerging technology.