U2 Reschedules HBO Paris Special

U2 have rescheduled their HBO Paris Show after terrorist attack.

Just a few short days ago U2 was supposed to take the stage in Paris as part of their iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE tour. This show was set to be broadcast on HBO for fans not able to make it. Unfortunately the show was postponed after the horrible terrorist attacks that took place in Paris. Even though U2 paid their respects on-site, they understandably had to postpone the show.

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Luckily, fans won’t have to wait much longer to see U2’s tour spectacle. In an announcement on their website, U2 rescheduled the dates for December 6th and 7th. Ticket holders for the previous November 14th date will be able to use those same tickets to gain access to the new dates. It’s likely that this will be one U2 show to remember, as Bono makes clear in a statement:

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"“For one night, the killers took lives, took music, took peace of mind – but they couldn’t steal the spirit of that city. It’s a spirit our band knows well and will try to serve when we return for the postponed shows on December 6th and 7th. We’re going to put on our best for Paris.”"

The performance will be still be broadcast on HBO. It’s uplifting to see U2 not let a horrible act keep them down for long, and it’s likely that the people of Paris will appreciate it. The new dates come less than a month after the attacks and U2’s original performance date, and it would have been understandable if they postponed it for even longer.

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I’m not a huge fan of U2 in the past few years (Achtung Baby! for life) but this will be an unforgettable experience.