Find Out Which Matthew McConaughey is Right For You

Take a quiz to find your perfect Matthew McConaughey match.

Before Matthew McConaughey’s comeback as a serious dramatic actor, he was mostly known for being in romantic comedies. So much so that you could say he was often typecast. It took a long time for him to break away from that genre, but there are some out there that may wish for the good old days. 

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If you’re one of those people who misses, either genuinely or out of some twisted sense of nostalgia, for Matthew McConaguehy to return to rom-coms, Entertainment Weekly has the thing for you. Originally created to celebrate (for some reason) for 10th anniversary of The Wedding Planner, this EW quiz tries to pinpoint the best McConaughey match for you.

Matthew McConaughey flirts with Jennifer Lopez in a scene from the film ‘The Wedding Planner’, 2001. (Photo by Columbia Pictures/Getty Images)

Just look at that hair and those glasses. What a different, simpler time.

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The quiz is a bit more clever than you may think, asking questions like “Which shameless, overdone rom-com cliché is permissible when touched by the magic of Matthew McConaughey?” That’s a good, self-aware question. The quiz is very much aimed at women but there’s no harm in playing along if you’re of the male persuasion.

You can even choose your favorite post-rom-com Matthew McConaughey, including the True Detective version. For what it’s worth, we were paired with The Wedding Planner version of McConaughey, and it’s a “good thing you’re so capable and competent and would never take advantage of his good nature!”

Next: Get a better look at Colin Farrell in this Fantastic Beasts feature.

Good thing, indeed.