Outlander episode 305 recap: “Freedom and Whisky”

Outlander season 3, episode 5, “Freedom and Whisky,” focuses on the mother-daughter relationship between Claire and Brianna.

As episode 305 opens, we see that it’s Christmas time in 1968 Boston. Claire and her surgical partner and friend Joe discuss the fact that Claire’s true love is a Scotsman and he is actually the real father of Brianna. Joe doesn’t seem phased by this at all, in fact, he tells Claire that is was obvious she and Frank we no Ozzie and Harriet.

We cut to Brianna in one of her classes at Harvard, she seems to be daydreaming and sketching instead of paying attention to the lecture. At the end of class, her professor warns her to start paying attention in not only his class but others as well, or she will lose her place at Harvard, a fact Brianna doesn’t seem to care too much about.

When she returns home, Brianna finds old photos of her and Frank (as the man she knew as her father) and gazes at his favorite chair, the Christmas tree lit in the background. Apparently, she’s had enough of Harvard, and when Claire returns home herself, they two argue over Brianna’s decision to drop out of school and move away from home.

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This is where Roger — who surprises the pair — enters the episode. He’s decided to have an American Christmas but has arrived at a very awkward time. Brianna leaves, but later that night, while sharing a glass of whiskey, Roger reveals to Claire that he’s found Jamie.

His proof is an article from 1765 containing the words, “Freedom and Whisky,” written by a printer named Alexander Malcolm, Jamie’s middle names.

Claire reacts unexpectedly and asks Roger to never speak of this find to Brianna, as she has decided to let go of Jamie and focus on her daughter, who she feels needs her more than ever. Roger agrees.

Later, at a party celebrating Frank’s life and work at Harvard, Claire is angrily confronted by Frank’s lover, upsetting Claire, and Brianna sees this. She follows her mother out into the hall where Brianna reminds her they promised no more secrets. It’s here that Claire reveals Roger has found Jamie, and Brianna convinces her mother to go back to the stones and return to him.

Claire returns to the past, and we find her stepping out of a carriage in 1776 Edinburgh. near the print shop where Jamie works. As she enters, we hear his voice call to someone he thought had returned to the shop.

Next: Outlander episode 304 recap: “Of Lost Things”

As he keeps his back to the screen, Claire says, “It’s me, Claire.” Jamie turns, stands, and promptly faints. End episode. We look forward to Claire and Jamie’s reunion in episode 306.