Jessica Jones season two trailer goes back to the beginning

The first season of Jessica Jones had the titular detective confronting her abuser head-on, but now she’ll have to go back even further to the traumatic car accident that changed her life.

Netflix debuted a full-length trailer for season two today and it promises a new case for Jessica to solve that might be her undoing.

Unlike all of the other Marvel series, Jessica Jones didn’t spend a lot of time dwelling on how the private eye got her powers outside of a mysterious car accident. That’s because her character will never be a superhero the way any of the other Defenders are, so she never showed much of an interest learning the full extent of her abilities.

However, the new trailer teases Jessica finally pursuing some answers to about the crash that killed her family and a set of experiments which might have given her abilities. Talking to a strange new character played by Janet McTeer, she learns that there are more people out there like her with one of them probably the new killer in Manhattan, who is presumably played by Leah Gibson.

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Outside of her investigation about IGH, Jessica is going to have to grapple with some professional competition. There’s a new P.I. firm in town and the boss is looking to absorb Alias Investigations as a way to get rid of competition. Yet, Jessica isn’t buying what he’s selling and the two come to heads multiple times throughout the trailer. In the Jessica Jones universe, nothing is a coincidence and this new guy is probably part of some larger conspiracy.

With her sister getting pulled into a larger investigation, and possibly framed for murder, Jessica Jones promises that Trish will be stepping up as a sidekick. There have already been set photos showing the future hero fighting crime on the street, and the trailer finally shows a glimpse of her in action.

Considering Trish finished last season by allowing her abusive mother back into her life for the sake of Jessica, it comes as no surprise that she would throw herself head-first into another fight. Rachael Taylor was one of the greatest weapons within the entire Netflix-Marvel Universe, so it’s a great payoff to see the writers give her more screen time for this upcoming season.

While the trailer gives a lot of new information about the second season of Jessica Jones, the villain is still hidden. Fans have assumed that Lea Gibson will be playing Typhoid Mary, a Daredevil villain, but based on the secrecy surrounding her character fans could be in for a surprise.

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Of course, the two-minute long trailer features a cameo by Kilgrave at the end and fans who caught the snippet of Jessica being brought to life by her experiments might be excited by the prospect of the purple-man returning as well.