Teaser for Sons of Anarchy spinoff Mayans MC drops

As the date for the premiere of Mayans MC gets closer, the show’s creator’s have dropped a small teaser for viewers.

Here’s the deal, a spinoff has to be just similar enough to the original story so it can logically inhabit the same Universe as what came before.

But at the same time, it also has to give viewers an original story with compelling characters. Without that, there is no incentive for people to watch. So what makes Mayans MC unique from the original?

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The trailer slightly reminds me of a Robert Rodriguez movie, but particularly of his 2003 film Once Upon A Time In Mexico.

The film took place in Mexico, and despite ostensibly being centered in modern times and featuring drug cartels attempting a coup in Mexico, the film was a dead ringer for a Western.

With the dusty setting, themes of violence, revenge, and honor, and countless gunfights, it’s right at home with any other modern Western. But at the same time, you never forget you’re in Mexico.

Which makes the motorcycle club theme particularly fitting for a show that taps into the idea of Western but is set in our time. Instead of having a band of outlaws riding horses, they need to ride something a little more modern.

In speculating what Mayans MC might be like, it is important to note one more thing. Sons of Anarchy was considerably inspired by Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Sons of Anarchy wasn’t the first work that tailored the Bard to fitting modern gang culture, as the 1961 musical West Side Story did with Romeo and Juliet.

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So the obvious question is will Mayans MC take some inspiration from another Shakespeare classic? While I cannot say for certain, my guess would be yes.

Mayans MC premieres on FX on Sept. 4 at 10 p.m.