The 15 most powerful Marvel Netflix characters, ranked weakest to strongest

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Claire Temple on Marvel Netflix series Daredevil / Image Credit: Netflix

The Marvel Netflix universe exploded from the start, with the critically acclaimed Daredevil series.

That led into Luke CageJessica JonesIron FistThe Punisher and The Defenders. While Jessica Jones was the most popular Marvel Netflix series of the entire universe, and Iron Fist the most derided, they all presented some amazing characters — heroes and villains — to the world of the MCU.

While the Marvel movies presented world breaking action and bigger-than-life heroes and villains, the Marvel Netflix shows presented comic book fans with the street level heroes and how they protected the regular people on the streets.

That in no way makes them any less powerful than their counterparts on the big screen in the MCU. Here is a look at the 15 most powerful characters in the Marvel Netflix world.

15. Claire Temple

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Claire Temple is a very, very strong character in the Marvel Netflix universe. No, she has no powers, but that does not mean she is not powerful.

If not for Claire, Matt Murdoch would have died at the start of the Daredevil series and the Marvel Netflix world would have ended after 10 minutes.

Based loosely on the character of the Night Nurse, Claire is also the moral compass of Matt Murdoch throughout his journey as a hero and she is why he remained a hero and never took the steps that Frank Castle later took in his journey.

While Claire is not a true fighter, she can hold her own and her heart and desire can never be underestimated. There are even rumors that Claire could eventually become a real superhero in time, but even if she never does, she is one of the most powerful characters in the entire Marvel Netflix world — just by being herself.