The First season 1, episode 8 finale recap: ‘Near and Far’


Ladies and gentleman, The First officially has liftoff!

The First finally heads into space in the season 1 finale, and we have to say, better late than never.

Some years after the failed mission, the crew and team are all set to go but nerves are restless and doubt is casting a shadow over the mission that failed what doesn’t feel like that long ago.

The episode opens to the crew getting ready for the big day as they pack their bags and prep for this life-changing, potentially deadly mission. After a game of ball and some celebratory cake, the crew starts to get into their suits and helmets.

The scene shifts to Laz and her kids getting ready to head out to the launch and while Denise initially refuses, she changes her mind last minute because she can’t just let her father head to the skies without being there to witness it.

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Luckily, the mission launch is a complete and absolute success. I was sitting in absolute fear as the launch commenced and collectively myself and the characters were holding their breath to learn of the outcome. But, it all goes smoothly and the crew finds themselves in orbit before they know it.

Credit: Hulu

After watching the launch, Denise felt overwhelmed with emotions and fear as to how the launch would go. Laz follows her to the stairwell and gives her constant updates on each stage of the launch until everything is successfully completed. Watching them cry with happiness was a beautiful moment in the episode.

There is a glimpse of Denise going back home and packing everything up. As she gets ready to head out of the house, she records a video message for Hagerty where she tells him she hates him because she loves him and then signs off with saying she misses him.

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This aspect of the series, although not always interesting, came to grow on me and I appreciated the tumultuous, bittersweet nature of it by the end of season 1. It was nice to see Denise send him a positive, uplifting message that could get him through the next 2.5 years in space.

Also, can we please discuss the random, strange man that we’ve gotten glimpses of through the whole season? I’m not sure who he is, and we never actually come to learn his identity. All we know is that he is seen rebuilding a pay phone and talks about the stars.

Whether he’s someone from the future, or someone on Mars, or just something else entirely is never really explained but we are so darn curious.

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The very last image of him is him walking out of the workshop he is always in as everything around him shakes. While I’m not particularly interested in a season 2, I do want to know who this mystery man is!

That’s a wrap on season 1 of The First!