Making A Murderer part 2, episode 7 recap: Item FL


Zellner brings in a ballistics expert on Making A Murderer and brings in yet another expert to debunk the prosecution’s case.

Making A Murderer continues to travel down a long, winding difficult road as Zellner looks into the ballistics angle of the investigation. Luke Haag, a ballistics expert, is brought in to talk about Teresa’s cause of death. If you recall, Brendan’s confession tape reveals that the supposed gun that was used was a .22 caliber.

But since the bullets are tiny, Zellner doesn’t believe it could actually go through that many layers of the skull and make an exit wound. Another expert is brought in who confirms that the bullet fragment that was found should have pieces of bones attached to it.

Considering it went through all that bone, that theory makes complete sense. Permission to obtain the bullet fragment (known as item FL) from the evidence is submitted, and when it is approved and observed by Zellner and the expert, they do not find any bone fragments on it.

Kratz continues to be a part of the docuseries through his interviews on various television networks, and via a book, he has written about the entire Avery trial. He brings attention once again to his theory that Avery convinced Teresa to visit the lot by booking an appointment through Barb’s name.

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However, we learn about hustle shots in this episode which are appointments that Teresa would have scheduled herself. So whether or not Kratz’ assumptions and theories have any validation is lost upon us.

One of the biggest criticisms against Making A Murderer has been that there is no focus on Teresa and her death, but rather the docuseries is simply focused on Avery and turning him into a celebrity.

But, Zellner makes sure to change that in this episode by saying that the reason for all this is to make sure that the real preparator(s) are brought to justice.

This would be the best way to honor her and a life that was lost too soon. Zellner is definitely all about this case, and it’s interesting to see her address the criticisms that may not have been in part 1 of this series.

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Zellner takes a closer look at the cell phone towers during that time to pinpoint where Teresa was at each point in time. Her hopes are that she can prove Teresa was killed in the quarry and based on the area, it does look like the perfect, isolated location to commit a murder.

With seemingly everything Zellner needs to make her case against Manitowoc County, she is now ready to submit the 1200-page petition with all her findings. Off to the court she goes, with reporters not far behind hoping to get a glance at the enormous petition that Zellner is convinced will grant Avery a new trial.

Will she succeed? Only time will tell.