9-1-1 season 2, episode 6 recap: Dosed


The brave men and women of 9-1-1 find themselves accidentally dosed with an LSD high after eating brownies–and it’s pretty hilarious.

9-1-1 tunes into every emotion one can think of in this week’s episode which makes for some laughs, tears, and just flat-out OMG moments. But Bobby Nash is having the most difficult time of all. His deceased daughter’s 13th birthday is coming up, which is bringing to surface some emotions he had been suppressing for quite some time.

It doesn’t help when he has dinner with Athena’s family and everyone starts talking about her daughter’s upcoming homecoming dance. It’s quite the devastating moment for a man that will have never that opportunity with his own daughter, and he runs out of the house overwhelmed and heartbroken.

It doesn’t help when a weather reporter that Bobby and his team saved from a helicopter crash decides to change her career goals to be in front of the camera. Her first project? Sticking around the station to see how the heroes tackle each and every day. And considering Bobby is already having a rough time, he sees this as an invasion of privacy.

It doesn’t take long for everyone to figure out the reporter is simply there to profit off her fame as a victim of the crash, and we’d have to agree 100%. But everyone seems on board with this 9-1-1 intruder, except Bobby.

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She manages to get through all the hoops to get permission to follow the crew around, and it’s simply out of Bobby’s hands at that point. The calls in this episodes are so disgusting and horrible that I’m still trying to get the images out of my head.

The first call dealt with an eating contest by an exotic animal store in which the contestants were all eating protein aka crickets and huge roaches.

One contestant collapses when he has a blockage from overeating, and I simply do not have to make you relive the horror of what a blockage of crickets could possibly mean.

The next call came from a bodybuilding competition where a contestant gets stuck, yes stuck, during a double bicep pose. It appears he hasn’t been hydrating enough which causes his muscles to stiffen up. Bobby suspects that the man might be taking steroids, and after some gentle threats, the bodybuilder comes clean about it.

Bobby gets pretty frustrated with the reporter at this point who is up in their business while they are trying to figure out what is going on. He tells her that the people they are trying to help won’t feel comfortable with a big camera flying around, and they need to be able to help them. Taylor (the reporter) takes this as a challenge to get Bobby to be on camera at some point. Seriously, can she go away?

Back at the station, a tray of brownies is sent over and everyone but Chimney devours them in an instant. Ever since the earthquake, many grateful residents have been sending their appreciation for the heroes of 9-1-1 via different gifts. However, this tray of brownies had just one teensy problem with them–they were dosed with LSD.

What follows is a series of so many hilarious moments it reminds you why 9-1-1 is such a great show. Buck, Eddie, Hen, and Bobby experience a type of high that throws them in for a trippy ride. But while the rest of the crew just trips out over things like shining hands, Bobby is way more emotional.

He keeps saying his daughter is there and starts spilling his inner thoughts while Taylor the annoying reporter tells her team to keep filming. It’s really quite annoying and gets worse when she continues to film after Bobby finds his way on to the roof, on the ledge. Luckily, Taylor did one thing right and called the cops. A worried Athena shows up and talks Bobby down from the ledge, but it’s all a very scary experience.

Moments before, Athena was at a call with the team where it became obvious something was going on with all of them, minus Chimney. What was the call you ask? Two pageant moms got into a fight and one of shoved a heel into the other’s face. Can this show get any crazier?

Credit: Jack Zeman / FOX.

After everyone comes down from their high, Bobby is left worrying about what Taylor will show on the news. Given how relentless she is, anything could happen. But when the special does air, Bobby is barely in it and only the good parts were televised.

Momentarily, we all think Taylor might not be that bad. That is until Buck goes to talk to her and thank her and she reveals that she was going to use all the bad stuff but lawyers got in the way. Ugh, she really sucks.

The mystery of who sent the LSD brownies is finally solved when Bobby realizes it was the owner of the exotic animal store. When he and Athena go to see her, they find her high on LSD with all the animals set free. Why did she dose them? She wanted them all to feel clarity, but as Athena said so gallantly, “In my line of work, that’s called a felony.”

Of course, this acid trip has affected Bobby because he went from being sober for a while, to now only a few days. And he tells Athena he’s ashamed because he wants to feel high again, he wants to be free of his pain and dreadful thoughts. Athena tells him he isn’t alone anymore, and she’s right there with him. Awww, 9-1-1, seriously how perfect are you?

It only gets cuter when Bobby joins Athena’s family as they get their daughter ready for the homecoming dance. He offers to take pictures of the family, but it’s Athena’s daughter and her ex that insist he is a part of the family portrait too. Awww.

Also, did I mention that Buck’s sister, Maddie, is into Chimney? New 9-1-1 ship heading our way? I think so!

Next. Fox’s 9-1-1 is bringing the heat and the views with season 2 premiere. dark

Maddie had quite the flustering episode after arming her new home with a security system that essentially no one could tamper with. She can’t sleep, she can’t eat, and she doesn’t feel safe. After answering a 9-1-1 call that reminded her of the call she once made because of her ex, she’s reeling with PTSD. Luckily, one of her co-workers is there to talk her down and remind her that she’s safe.

And with Chimney stopping by and staying for popcorn and a movie–things are looking on the up and up. Yay!

9-1-1 airs every Monday on Fox at 9 PM EST!