Camping season 1, episode 6 recap: Carleen?!


Carleen is lost and everyone (well almost everyone) is freaking out in this week’s episode of Camping.

Camping is approaching the end of its first season, and it’s hard to imagine that everything that has happened so far, has all been within the course of just a few days. Initially, it seems like Walt is the only one that is concerned that Carleen is missing.

Kathryn believes Carleen is just doing what she did as a child and just wants to bring attention to herself, while everyone else is just consumed with their own lives. But can I just say that Kathryn finally snaps out of her stubborn, rigid attitude and lets loose, and it was absolutely glorious!

But going back to Carleen missing, only Sol and Walt take notice during lunch that she hasn’t been around since the day before. Determined to get to the bottom of her disappearance, Walt pays Harry a visit to see if she can call in the rangers.

Turns out there are no rangers, and she is technically the only one with the title. She’s in no shape to help out, however, because the night before her wife left her and she’s still processing what has happened. Despite being heartbroken, Harry decides to help Walt and assigns him the title of deputy, even though he has no experience.

Credit: HBO

Personally, I loved seeing Harry and Walt’s characters spend so much time together because their scenes together are absolutely hilarious and it’s a duo that brings so much life to Camping. It’s no surprise that Walt has been increasingly frustrated with Kathryn and he got an opportunity to vent to Harry.

She tells Walt that he needs to stop asking Kathryn for permission over everything, and he needs to allow for himself to venture out and do what he wants. Finally, someone giving Walt some sound advice!

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While searching for Carleen, Walt and Harry stumble across one of her slippers and take it back to Joe to show him what they found.

Joe is fairly indifferent over their discovery until Sol prods him about being so shut off about Carleen’s disappearance. This is enough to send Joe off the edge as he bursts into tears, but isn’t it a little too late?

Along with Walt and Harry, there is another unexpected pairing looking for Carleen–Jandice and Kathryn. I was assuming Kathryn would be completely annoyed at Jandice but instead, Jandice brings out the fun, carefree girl inside of Kathryn.

Well, initially, they seemingly hit it off but that’s largely in part to Jandice making up a story about having a sister in an attempt to bond with Kathryn. She may have been trying to manipulate her, but she hypes Kathryn up by saying how much Kathryn has done for the trip, and how it’s gone unappreciated by everyone.

Kathryn begins to let her guard down, possibly for the first time since this camping trip started, and tells Jandice about how she and Walt met at a roller derby. It humanizes Kathryn in a way that we haven’t seen all season and reminds us that she has her own issues she’s grappling with.

During their search for Carleen, Jandice makes Kathryn dance and sing along to Taylor Dayne’s “Tell It To My Heart”, and it’s nice to see Kathryn let loose, for once. But the sisterly bond they’ve forged comes unraveling not long after when Jandice asks about Kathryn’s sex drive.

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Kathryn blurts out that she doesn’t want to have sex with Walt and Jandice suggests that she sleep with Miguel instead, because they’ll probably break up in a week anyway. Kathryn is livid over the suggestion and just like that their fleeting bond breaks.

Trying to make their way back to camp, they get lost and Jandice ends up ditching Kathryn and hitchhiking back, leaving Kathryn in the dust. So, where is Carleen?

Camping airs every Sunday on HBO at 10 PM EST!