In episode 6 of Netflix series Tidelands, Cal kills a guy and learns her mother betrayed her. Also, Adrielle’s obsessed with piecing together an artifact.
Previously on Tidelands, Adrielle (Elsa Pataky) had slit the throat of poor Colton (Richard Davies) and left Violca (Madeleine Madden) running for her life. Adrielle was doubting their loyalty, and also used Colton’s blood to help summon Sirens. Now Adrielle wants Cal, who happens to be placing Colton in a boat. Unfortunately, his throat is still slit, so human/Siren hybrids apparently can’t bring humans back to life. Soon Violca shows up, then Dylan (Marco Pigossi). After some idle chat about their crazy situation, Cal speeds away in her motorboat.
Next, Cal McTeer’s brother Augie (Aaron Jakubenko) learns from Bill (Peter O’Brien) that Cal is a “Tidelander,” or half-Siren. Bill also warns him that the Tidelanders will kill him if he stays. Indeed, Adrielle seems to be a loose cannon, and drug gangster Gregori Stolen (Jacek Koman) isn’t much better. At least Adrielle has semi-practical obsessions: She’s been accruing money to buy pieces of an artifact which can bring the Tidelander’s “Mothers” back. In fact, she threatens to slit the throat of sneaky Lamar (Dalip Sondhi) if he speaks ill of these Sirens.
Stolin-ism and Cal’s bombshell
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This episode is rather Stolin-heavy — to the point where one almost forgets about Tidelanders as a threat. Dylan gets in a fight with Stolin’s henchmen. It gets to the point where Augie meets Adrielle about the miscreant. However, true to Tidelands form, Adrielle clarifies that she only wants Augie’s money (isn’t that what it all comes down to?). However, the episode has a bit of a surprise in store for Cal.
Officer Corey Welch (Mattias Inwood) reveals that Durborrow was already dead when Cal lit the fire that landed her in prison. In other words, she didn’t even kill the guy! Officer Corey learned that the pathologist falsified the report, meaning the cops didn’t merely screw up. Well, Call doesn’t take the news very well, wasting little time in confronting her mother, Rosa (Caroline Brazier), about the news. In fact, she puts a semi-magic Tidelander grip on her neck.
The revelation is that her mom set her up, and she even knew Durburrow was dead. Of course, one must ask, “Well, okay, but did anyone force Cal to burn that house?” In any case, the dust settles a bit, and Officer Corey speculates that the deaths of Durborrow and Pat McTeer are connected.
Cal put to the test
Tidelands doesn’t shy away from magic and outright sorcery. In a strange blood ritual, Adrielle consults her basement witch, Genoveva (Cate Feldmann), to see more into Stolin’s history. Instead, though, Genoveva’s sorcery reveals Adrielle stabbed in the back, and with someone (apparently Cal) standing over her. Ouch! Does this mean it’s bound to happen, or is it just a dumb little trick? Either way, it gives Adrielle another reason to not trust Calliope McTeer. Similarly, Grayson (Daniel Roberts) thinks Cal killed his son, and also wouldn’t likely object to destroying the Tidelanders.
So, without much trouble, Grayson and Stolin kidnap Cal, ultimately trying to drown her. As it turns out, her Siren-ized lungs ruin their handiwork, and she ultimately enchants and promptly drowns Grayson after Stolin leaves. Meanwhile, after Augie gives Sgt. Paul Murdoch (Alex Dimitriades) the phone that belonged to the murdered Zach Maney (Sam Foster). The assumption is that the phone may be able to link Maney to a specific location at his time of death (and possibly reveal other details).
More scheming
Tidelands offers up more intricate plotting as Adrielle meets Stolin. Meanwhile, when Dylan frees Cal, she tells Augie that she actually liked drowning Grayson. While that may sound like a vicious Siren stereotype, the next scene reveals that humans aren’t superior. Rosa — who, again, has a daughter who’s half-Siren — tells a gathering of women at her tavern that the Tidelanders need to be destroyed! However, as if demonstrate why one might think that, we’re reminded of Adrielle’s scheming and literal cut-throat tactics. She meets with an artifacts dealer regarding the magical thingamabob to bring her “Mothers” back. The dealer says he needs 15 million to buy the rest of the pieces, though she should have talked him down to 10.
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