Glow season 3, episode 3 recap: Desert Pollen

Photo: Betty Gilpin.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
Photo: Betty Gilpin.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix

The show about a show based on a true story of an old show is back on Netflix with ten new episodes.

Glow’s third episode poses the question – Is there a pollen problem in Las Vegas? Ruth changes rooms from Sam’s floor to Bash’s floor because of the tree outside of her window messing with her allergies.

I’m not sure if you’ve ever been to Vegas, but I don’t remember ever seeing trees (except for palm trees). In other words, there’s no desert pollen. Obviously, Ruth is trying to avoid Sam as much as possible.

Quick recap: Cherry thinks the girls are getting a little sloppy since arriving in Vegas and that they’re partying is getting in the way of their training and conditioning. So, she makes the Glow girls attend a showgirl dance class, which trigger’s Debbie’s insecurities about her body and Cherry’s fears of having a baby.

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It’s cringeworthy: Bash brings the Zeissman twins (Randy and Jason Sklar) into the ladies’ dressing room, and they comment on how their breasts should fit in a champagne saucer. Later, to make Debbie feel better, Ruth drops her top, throws on a showgirls’ hat and does a dance. Then Sam walks in on her. That’s not awkward at all.

Biggest surprise: After a day of getting his ass kicked during tennis, Sam throws away all but two of his cigarettes. Could this be a self-improvement plan to win over Ruth?

Not surprising: Because Tammé is a bit older than the rest of the ladies, she’s feeling a bit stiff and having trouble getting around. She’s going to wait until their run is over before going to see a doctor, so, I hope she doesn’t get hurt worse!

Funniest moment: Melrose catches the attention of a guy who she believes thinks that she is a prostitute. After they sleep together, he asks her to pay $200 because he’s actually a male prostitute.

Best moment: When Ruth sees Sam dressed for tennis on her new floor, she asks him if he’s going to play tennis. His response is perfect: “No, I’m going to a mid-morning costume party dressed as John McEnroe’s grandfather.”

Is that what I think I saw? Yes, there was a ton of nudity in this episode. Ruth and Melrose bare all, and so does Melrose’s prostitute.

Check back tomorrow for a recap of Glow‘s fourth episode: Say Yes.

Read the Glow recap of episode 2, Hot Tub Club.