GLOW season 3, episode 5 recap: Freaky Tuesday

Photo: Alison Brie.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
Photo: Alison Brie.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix

Glow, the show about a show based on a true story of an old show is back on Netflix with ten new episodes.

Sandy Devereux St. Clair is extending Glow’s run through the end of the year at the Fan-Tan! Yay!

Well, not everyone’s excited.

Debbie is understandably upset about having to stay in Las Vegas longer and miss yet another one of Randy’s milestones. Tammé is one sneeze away from being completely out of commission. And the material is stale. They’re sick of playing their stereotypical, borderline offensive characters.

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Quick recap: Tammé’s back problems reach a fever pitch, forcing the ladies to change things up so she can stay a part of the show. Sandy offers them the chance to keep the show opened through the end of the year, and Debbie isn’t happy about it. Sam’s daughter, Justine, visits with her screenplay in toe, asking him to read it.

It’s cringeworthy: Bash offers Sam more money to help him convince Debbie to agree to the extension. But Sam doesn’t want to get in the middle of it. When Bash suggests that for this reason is the only one he keeps Sam around, he replies, “You can’t pay me to be your friend or to agree with you.” Like a toddler, Bash tells him that he’s basically paying him to be on vacation and to write another screenplay that won’t go anywhere. It’s such a personal, low blow. I can’t stand how crappy everyone is treating Sam this season.

Biggest surprise: Without having a character to swap with, Sheila is left to figure out what she will do for Freaky Tuesday. With the help of Bobby Barnes, Sheila swaps her wolf wig for a pixie cut. Donning a sparkly red dress, she appears as Liza Minnelli. Yes, it makes no sense. But my eyes literally widened when she appeared on the screen. Loved every second of it!

Photo: Betty Gilpin, Chris Lowell.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
Photo: Betty Gilpin, Chris Lowell.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix

Not surprising: No one clued Bash in on the swap. He wasn’t happy, especially after being told “no” by Debbie for extending the show. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that in the end, he decides for everyone. It’s his name and money. He ends with one final message, “…if, you don’t like it, feel free to get the f*%& out.” Yikes.

Best/Funniest moment: To help Tammé out since she really can’t wrestle as Welfare Queen, she swaps with one of the biddies. This prompts all of the ladies to swap identities. Liberty Bell and Zoya switch (and they’re absolutely BRILLIANT playing each other). Tammé and Arthie play the biddies. Melrose plays Fortune Cookie; Carmen plays Welfare Queen, and Jenny plays Britannica. The entire sequence is hilarious and entertaining. It was also so refreshing to see the ladies with different takes on these characters they’ve created.

Check back tomorrow for a Glow recap of Outward Bound.

Read yesterday’s recap of Say Yes.