The Handmaid’s Tale season 3 finale recap: Mayday

Credit: Hulu
Credit: Hulu

What did the season 3 finale of The Handmaid’s Tale have in store for us? Read on to find out.

The Handmaid’s Tale, in my opinion, had a very up and down third season. It was rather slow at times and even had the tendency to drag on a storyline we’ve gotten too much of over the course of three seasons. Luckily, the season 3 finale gives us something new to chew on as we wait for the next batch of episodes.

The season 3 finale starts with a major throwback–to the day that June was first brought into Gilead. There was confusion, chaos, and fear in the atmosphere and little did all the women know what their future had in store for them. But there’s no time to worry about the past because, in the present, June’s plan is in full swing with no signs of stopping.

At this point, many of the maids have sneakily given June bars of soap that will be used during their escape. You see, the bars of soap will be used to make the windows foggy so no one can see inside and also used to make sure the gates don’t make any noise. Amidst all this planning, a Martha shows up with a child asking if she’s in the right place.

Coming from Lexington, the Martha and the child came a long way to be a part of June’s plan, which goes to show how far-reaching it has become. There is a moment where the Martha freaks out and says she is going to take the child back home, but not if June has anything to do with it. Unfortunately, the whole situation goes sideways when June accidentally points a gun at the child. Of course, The Handmaid’s Tale would go there.

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My favorite scene from the season 3 finale comes when Commander Lawrence comes home to say that authorities spotted the Martha and the child, and the entire plan is now off. Oh, Lawrence, do you not know who June is by now? When he tries to assert that it’s his house, his rules, June (in a badass voice and with a badass smile) asks him if he really thinks it’s his house still. MIC DROP.

And with all of this, The Handmaid’s Tale officially initiates June’s plan as the kids and Marthas head out. There are a few hiccups along the way, but it doesn’t put a kink in June’s plan. I’m so confused as to how the entire group of children and maids/Marthas make it through the forest with patrols all around them. It’s sort of unrealistic, but hey, we’ll roll with it (seriously though, seriously, how do they pull it off?).

When they arrive at the tarmac, a guardian is lingering around, making it difficult for everyone to board the plane. Not if June has something to do with it, though! She tells everyone to go one direction while she distracts the guardian. However, the handmaids show up at the last minute and help her take the guardian out by throwing rocks, while Rita sneaks the kids onto the plane.

June helps the handmaids get to safety after this whole debacle and winds up getting shot by one of the guardians. And just when we think we’ve lost June for good, she surprises the guardian by shooting him and then makes him tell the others that everything is fine–and then kills him, just as the plane flies overhead.

June may be stuck behind in Gilead, but the plane full of children arrives safely in Canada with Luke, Moira, and Emily amongst the many volunteers there to greet them. It’s extremely emotional as one of the children reunites with her father and Rita finds solace in reuniting with Emily and telling Luke that June made all of this happen. The guy can use some good news considering Hannah wasn’t on the plane with the other kids.

As season 3 of The Handmaid’s Tale comes to an end, June wakes up to a new day and maybe(?) a new Gilead (hopefully). In the final moments, a group of maids carries June off as she lays back in writhing pain and with a smile on her face. No idea what’s going to happen, but I’m actually here for it.

Until season 4, The Handmaid’s Tale fans.

What did you think about the season 3 finale of The Handmaid’s Tale? Let’s talk about it in the comments below!