Glow season 3, episode 8 recap: Keep Ridin’

Photo: Sunita Mani, Sydelle Noel, Rebekka Johnson, Betty Gilpin, Kia Stevens, Gayle Rankin, Jackie Tohn, Shakira Barrera, Kimmy Gatewood, Kate Nash, Britney Young.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
Photo: Sunita Mani, Sydelle Noel, Rebekka Johnson, Betty Gilpin, Kia Stevens, Gayle Rankin, Jackie Tohn, Shakira Barrera, Kimmy Gatewood, Kate Nash, Britney Young.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix

Glow, the show about a show based on a true story of an old show is back on Netflix with ten new episodes.

The third season of Glow is rapidly coming to a close. And when a show needs to hurry up and get to the meaty part of a story (i.e. Game of Thrones during seasons 7 and 8), they skip a bunch of the mundane.

In one of my favorite sequences of television, ever, Glow represents this as Ruth sits down at her vanity after their 50th Vegas show. She slowly takes off her make up to the music of Siouxsie and the Banshees’ “Cities in the Dust.” In the back of her, her fellow castmates file in and out of the dressing room, super-sped up.

The background slows up just in time for Ruth to walk up to her performance report binder and realize it’s their 200th show. No one wants to celebrate because everyone, even Carmen, has dates. She writes, “Are you even reading these? I miss you.” Where the hell are you, Sam?!

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Quick recap: In a flash-forward to the end of the year, Ruth has serious doubts about her future and if she’s made the right decisions so far. Cherry, still without Keith, has developed a serious gambling problem and owes the Fan-Tan Casino a lot of money she doesn’t have.

It’s cringeworthy: Sandy Devereux St. Clair, the former showgirl, can’t quite let go of the Fan-Tan’s staple, Rhapsody. She asks Bash to sponsor it and spruce it up a bit, maybe with a tribute to Old Hollywood. Only, Bash’s idea of sprucing it up was adding a bunch of female BMX riders and having the showgirls stand in front of the ramps. Yikes. When Sandy voices her “concerns,” Bash tells her that if she wants the money to keep it going, this is it or he’s pulling his name and money from the show.

Biggest surprise: Um…hello? Are we not going to see Tamme as a Don King-like manager? Is Sheila now Liza Minnelli as a wrestler? You’re just going to leave us hanging on this?

Not surprising: Ruth and Russell’s relationship is dying a slow, painful death. When he calls her to tell her that he got a job for two months in Spain, she offers to come to L.A. before he flies out, but the timing doesn’t work. After her hesitation when he suggests she come to Spain for New Year’s Eve, he says, “Don’t do this over the phone.” Come on Ruth! Do it over the phone! It was over so long ago!

Best moment: The opening scene, easily.

Funniest moment: Cherry has been banned from the casino until she can come up with the $5,000 she owes from gambling. Her and Carmen end up mud wrestling under the names Cheetara and Pumyra (yay Thundercats!). Cherry pins Carmen and gets her money.

Oh boy! Rhonda tried to heed Birdie’s advice to keep Bash interested. So, she puts on a sexy number and is in bed waiting for Bash when he gets home. Only, Bash is completely uninterested in sex. In fact, he loves being married to Rhonda so much, that he doesn’t care if they never have sex again. So, yeah, that happened.

Check back tomorrow for a recap of The Libertines.

Read yesterday’s recap of Hollywood Homecoming.