The many addictions of FX’s Snowfall

"Confessions " -- Season 3, Episode 6 (Airs Wednesday, August, 14 10:00 pm ET/PT) -- Pictured: Damson Idris as Franklin Saint. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
"Confessions " -- Season 3, Episode 6 (Airs Wednesday, August, 14 10:00 pm ET/PT) -- Pictured: Damson Idris as Franklin Saint. CR: Byron Cohen/FX

The crack epidemic is almost as addicting as the weekly hits from FX’s hit show Snowfall. Crack is not the only addiction that the characters chase.

The crack epidemic is taking hold in South Central. The weekly hits from FX’s pure and raw show Snowfall keep the fans coming back for more. However, the hit from the crack pipe is not the only addiction that the characters chase.

The addictions of Snowfall are many. Franklin Saint has risen to the midlevel of the Money, Power, Respect tier of the drug enterprise. He has the money, enough to spare Avi’s life over a missing million plus the interest. However, he could use a bit more money to insulate himself from street-level problems.

Franklin has the power to walk into almost any room and command respect. He is running the streets of greater Los Angeles now, sectioned into territories of course. But there is more to gain, like market share in Detroit and Chicago. Franklin truly sees no real issues with venturing into the world as much as Avi.

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That could be dangerous. Avi is addicted only to information that can keep him alive for another day. Avi’s folder on Teddy/Reid proved as much. Avi knows he can turn informant on Franklin and never risk his connections with the high tiered criminal organizations he deals with presently. That million-dollar loan would be null and void should Franklin meet an unfortunate fate.

Leon is around to make sure that does not happen. Leon is the Power behind the Respect that earns the money. No one would buy a product if they could just take it, which is why Leon loves his high powered assault weapons.

A machine gun makes Leon’s eyes tune in the same way Melody’s did when she hit that crack pipe. Melody is lost, replaced by a crackhead who has yet to lose her looks. Melody becoming Wanda is a crushing blow to the innocence that remained in Snowfall.

ManBoy knows how to use washed-up potential now sucking on a crack pipe. He is more addicted to helping make connections that benefit him financially and manipulating those with obvious weaknesses. Weakness like being addicted to crack and needing money.

Cissy is just addicted to having her son, Franklin, out of prison. Jerome is addicted to freedom, which is why he wants Franklin and the crew to quit the criminal enterprise. Cissy and Franklin have their real estate gig. Jerome and Aunt Louie have a speaker shop and a club.

Andre has nothing but anger left. His addiction to revenge has left him isolated with his anger. Melody is missing, gone thanks to the crack epidemic. His police brothers have made it known that he is still just a black man in Los Angeles. Even when he puts on that badge, he cannot separate himself from the realities.

There are many worlds in Snowfall. Some characters have the chance to branch out. Others are being trapped in the same cycles that still need solutions today.