The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance reintroduces the world of Thra and its inhabitants to viewers.
It’s undeniable that Netflix has the fantasy hit of the year on its hands with the prequel to the cult classic, The Dark Crystal. The prequel series, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, is rich with gorgeous settings and creatures who populate the world of Thra. However, it can be hard to keep track of all the different gelfings and species that arrive on screen.
The Gelflings
The three protagonists of the series are gelflings, these unique creatures who have the closest connection to Thra. There are seven different clans who live in various locations based on their ancestry or job.

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The Vapra: Considered the “best” of the gelfings, it seems like they’re typically considered royalty. While it’s pointed out later on in the season that not every Queen has hailed from this clan, it does sound like they usually do. Princess Brea, and her family are members of the Vapra, who live in the city of Ha’rar in the snowy mountains. Typically they seem to have long silvery hair and soft features as well as wings.
The Stonewood: They represent the “adventurers” of the gelflings with many going on to be warriors while others were peaceful farmers. They live in the Stone in Wood village amidst the Dark Forrest however many reside in the Palace where they work. Rian and his father are both members of the Stonewood, where they have tanned skin with long black hair.
The Drenchen: Easily some of the most unique looking gelflings, the Drenchen are actually amphibious. Gurjin and his twin sister Naia are both members of this clan. Their hair is threaded with shades of green and their skin varies from having green/turquoise marks and taking on that shade. Their ears also stick out quite a bit and they live in the Swamps of Sog.
The Grottan: Everyone’s favorite, Deet, is the most prevalent member of this clan. They live in the Cave Obscurity and rarely ever venture out to see the light. This means Deet, when she begins her journey, is forced to wear a blindfold of sorts to protect her eyes. A generally benevolent clan, they seem to value nature and animals more than the others. They have big black eyes, long ears, and olive colored skin.
The Sifa: These gelflings are known for their sea-faring ways and are often wearing clothes which seem similar to medieval merchants. The two major characters seen from the Sifa are Onica, Tavra’s girlfriend, and her father, Cadia. They both have long curly hair, compared to the other gelfilings who often seemed to have straight or braided hair. The Sifa are also known for being a bit tricky and never doing anything without expecting a price to be paid.
The Dousan: Residing in the Crystal Sea Desert, the Dousan are known for their musical talents. Rek’yr is a member of this clan and his skin is a multi-color with a combination of darker colors with a yellow. They have long skinny ears and hair which is braided into a higher knot.
The Spriton: Like the Stonewood, they pride themselves on being fierce warriors amongst the gelflings. They have always viewed the other clan as rivals for this reason and they’re often in the Skeksis guard for this reason. Kylan is the Spriton member who assists the heroes, and he has pale skin, a button nose, and very long ears which stick out. He keeps his black hair in very tight skinny braids.

Other Creatures
Skeksis: The villains of the series, these ugly creatures are the driving force which is destroying Thra. They look like creepy bird-like creatures, originally described by concept artist Brian Froud as “part reptile, part predatory bird, part dragon”. With long talons and beaks, they inject fear into everyone they meet.
The Mystics: Like most creatures, there are good and bad sides. The Mystics represent the best in the Skeksis and share many of their physical characteristics. However, rather than looking black and rotting, these creatures seem to have an older, wiser, quality about them.
Fizzgig: These adorable fluffballs seem kind of like the dogs of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. They’re little fluffballs who bark like crazy but seem to just want belly-rubs beneath that “vicious” exterior. Deet runs into a couple throughout her journey and is able to win them over despite some of their aggressive actions.
Podlings: The Podlings seem to be the good-hearted if not infantile people amongst Thra. They’re treated as servants who are too stupid to even bathe themselves. However, Hup, Deet’s friend, proves that Podlings have just as much ambition and drive as gelfings. They look usually have tufts of hair, tiny eyes, large round heads, and are quite small in stature like dwarves.
Spitters: Large spider-like creatures that don’t seem all too friendly. Mira and Rian go spitter hunting in the pilot, while Deet has an unfortunate encounter with one during her trip to Ha’rar.
Locksnake: A metal looking snake which can be used to stand guard and “lock” essential items. However, it’s easily swayed by shiny metal objects.
Have you watched The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance? Be sure to tell us in the comment section below!