Well then, Fear The Walking Dead–that was unexpected.
Fear The Walking Dead would throw in a random plot twist to capture our attention just as they were losing it. Maybe that’s what makes this spin-off special and watchable. I was starting to think that maybe this series should come to an end because at the end of the day, isn’t the story more or less the same? Of survival? Of living?
This week’s episode gives us some background on Logan’s past, which is a huge plus because we don’t have any idea what this guy is about, and who he is. We learn that he too used to be someone that helped others in need. That is, until one day he couldn’t make it in time to save someone. That one bad experience turned him off to the idea of saving anyone at all.
Cut to the present, Logan arrives at the oil fields determined to take them over. But not if our handy dandy group of helpers has anything to do with. Meanwhile, Strand and Alicia are off doing…something, I’m not quite sure what this is but we’ll roll with it.
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But while out doing their painting thing, they get a distress call over the walkie which leads them back to the same place we saw Logan trying to reach in his past. While they make a run for it towards this person in need, they’re hoping someone else can get there first.
At the oil fields, Fear The Walking Dead continues to reveal more and more about who Logan is and the intentions with which he wants to take the oil. He tells Sarah that no one else (specifically Clayton) was able to help that woman because Sarah and Wendell had stolen the oil rig. Well, then, his anger makes a bit more sense.
Amidst all these reveals, the smoke from the fields starting bringing walkers into the area, which is always a nuisance to deal with. Logan’s people started to waver in their standoff, but Logan continued to stand strong. He wasn’t going to walk away from this–no matter what. Conveniently, a radio call comes in from the woman that’s stranded back at the place that Strand and Alicia are trying to get to.

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In the past, Logan would have tried to help, but now he offers a way out–grab the gun he kept hidden there and use it to end your life. It’s the only way out, according to him. A bit morbid, I’ll say. We hear a gunshot and momentarily assume that the woman has shot herself. But nope! It’s Wes!
Logan continued to stand his ground, until out of nowhere and quite literally, someone shot and killed him along with the rest of his group. Uh, who are these new people and what do they want, Fear The Walking Dead?! Basically, they’re a hardcore, aggressive version of our group which dwindles them to the likes of the Saviors, the Governor, and all the villains from The Walking Dead.
Seeing as how these people ruthlessly killed Logan and his group, their leader, Ginny, promised to do the same if this group didn’t prove useful or “essential” to their cause. As a result, Luciana tells everyone to move on, and she’ll stay back and help with the oil business.
This new group intrigues me, and there is definitely something about Ginny that will make this group just as much frightening as any we’ve seen on Fear The Walking Dead.
Fear The Walking Dead airs every Sunday on AMC at 9 PM EST!