9-1-1 season 3, episode 12 recap: Fools

9-1-1: Angela Bassett in the “Fools” episode of 9-1-1 airing Sunday, March 23 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: Jack Zeman / FOX. © 2020 FOX MEDIA LLC.
9-1-1: Angela Bassett in the “Fools” episode of 9-1-1 airing Sunday, March 23 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: Jack Zeman / FOX. © 2020 FOX MEDIA LLC.

Fools is the name of the game in this week’s episode of 9-1-1.

9-1-1 spent this week dealing with the emotion of shame and guilt and feeling foolish. To be honest, it was one of my favorite episodes this season. The stories were riveting (and gross!) while simultaneously pushing each character’s arc along. I don’t know how 9-1-1 pulls this off every week, but they do an amazing job of it!

Let’s talk about the case Athena was involved with first. It was about a woman who came into the hospital because of headaches and found out that she had a bullet lodged into her skull. It was quite strange but was true, the scan even showed it!

The mystery was how this bullet got into her skill because she couldn’t recall any such incident. Her memory loss was getting the best of her, and it wasn’t until her husband showed up that things started to come together.

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Athena deduced the husband was shady, and it turns out this was very much the case! As it turns out, the husband had shot his wife in the back of her head and she lost her memory of that day. Talk about awkward.

The mystery is solved thanks to their neighbor, who filled in all the missing details of that horrendous day. Naturally, the wife was disturbed to find out that her husband had let her feel crazy all these months. Not cool, dude, not cool at all.

Throughout 9-1-1, it’s obvious that Athena has had to deal with secrets in a marriage. But luckily, her relationship with her ex-husband, Michael, has stayed strong. And her experience with the older woman prompts her to confront Michael about his decision not to get surgery.

Don’t you just love this family dynamic?

Speaking of families, I am obsessed with Eddie and Christoper’s relationship. They are such an incredible father and son duo, and this week solidifies that. Christopher attempts to skateboard at school and winds up getting hurt. Naturally, it throws Eddie into a frenzy, and he immediately pins the blame on Christoper’s teacher (who he totally has a crush on).

But what this incident proves is that Eddie needs to talk to Christopher about limits. He doesn’t want him to think he is limited and can’t do anything, but Eddie realizes that there needs to be a realistic expectation here.

What started as a blowing crush to Christopher’s reality turns into something incredibly beautiful. Instead of letting Christoper down, Eddie enlists Buck’s help to make Christopher a makeshift skateboard that protects him. It’s such an uplifting moment–I was in tears.

And while we’re on the subject of tears, we have to discuss Josh’s arc this week on 9-1-1. Josh, in case you’ve forgotten, is Maddie’s coworker at the 9-1-1 call center. After seeing the success of Chimney and Maddie’s relationship, Josh is inspired to try online dating.

He thinks he’s found someone interesting and goes on the first date–which turns into a nightmare. The guy was only using Josh so he could beat him and rob him alongside his partner. How messed up is that?

Josh makes it out alive, but he’s completely crushed and feels foolish for trusting a stranger. It’s going to be a difficult road ahead for him as he doesn’t want to share the truth about it with anyone, but Maddie.

My heart went out to Josh–he’s such a wonderful character, and I was glad to see more of him this week.

That was the gist of this week’s episode, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention some of the calls the station had to answer. One included a first date in which a woman tries to throw a bag of poop (yup, poop) outside a window after she clogs her date’s toilet.

The second call was the episode starter in which a man’s eyeballs literally pop out after he and his friends try to pull a stunt on the playground. You know those things that spin around and around? Well, they set up a motorcycle next it to give it some speed, but when a fire breaks out, the guy sitting on it can’t stop spinning around.

By the time the guys get there–his eyes are bulging out of his head. SO GROSS.

Alright, folks, that’s a wrap on this week’s 9-1-1 episode recap! See ya next week!

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