Marty deals with the Frank Jr. problem as Wendy continues to dream big with her new plans in this episode of Ozark.
Ozark has wasted no time getting into the thick of things with the Byrde family. Wendy, specifically, has a wide-eyed dream about expanding the business and seems to rely less and less on Marty for help. After all, she has Helen by her side.
Marty has a lot on his mind, at the moment, to pay attention to what Wendy is trying to get done. Frank Jr. is becoming a huge thorn in their side and after the unfortunate encounter between him and Ruth in the season 3 premiere, Frank Jr. wants Ruth fired.
With some convincing, Marty agrees to give Frank Jr. 15% while also protecting Ruth’s presence in his business handlings. Honestly, I can’t imagine Marty ever getting anything done or even being successful without Ruth. She is undoubtedly his lucky charm.
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With that handled, Marty realizes Wendy’s flustering behavior and how Helen is managing to sneak more and more into their lives. She’s going to be moving closer to them, and it’s been causing Wendy to do things sans Marty. Important things, I must add.
A part of Wendy’s plan is to buy out a casino owned by an elderly couple. She makes them an offer about 7% above market, but Marty is intent on spoiling this plan. When Wendy isn’t paying attention, Marty tries to tell the elderly man not to sell. Ozark is really diving deep into the Byrdes’ marital problems this season, aren’t they?
In any case, the couple rejects Wendy’s offer. This isn’t going to bode over well with Wendy–let me tell you that much, folks.
At the beginning of this episode, we are introduced to a man, who seems to operate with a short temper. As the episode goes on, we see this man loitering around the casino. A ruthless Ruth (ha) has no qualms about approaching the man and demanding to know who he is.
Ready for the identity reveal? He is Wendy Byrde’s brother, Ben.
Marty is a little annoyed to learn that Ben is in town, and even more so when he finds out Ben is staying in their house. As if the Byrdes’ need this drama on top of everything else.
This episode of Ozark really brings Marty and Wendy on a warpath against one another. Instead of taking Marty to meet the casino couple, Wendy decides to take Helen instead. Little does Wendy know that Marty has been listening in on her calls and knows exactly what she’s up to. He has to take matters into his own hand–whatever the cost.
Navarro is another element to Wendy’s evolving nature, and while she doesn’t know Marty has been listening, she’s been making deals with the cartel boss. It won’t end well for her given the intensity of the cartel business. Come on, Wendy–what are you doing?!
With the help of Frank Jr., Marty blows up the casino next to the casino Wendy was hoping to buy. And now with no competition around them, the couple will be able to keep their casino and increase their business. They don’t need Wendy’s deal anymore, and that is exactly what Marty wanted.
I wasn’t expecting what happens next to actually happen but after Marty’s meddling, Ruth steps in to help Wendy. They rig the couple’s casino machines so everyone that plays on them keeps winning. This naturally takes away cash from the couple’s casino, giving Wendy the upper hand once again.
This girl is getting out of control, but she seems to have a better handle on things than Marty. He can get more emotional at times, and Wendy is all business. That’s why she has Helen and Ruth on her side helping her, she knows that is how she will succeed. With the other casino’s value dropping even lower, Wendy manages to acquire it after all. Success!
Because they bought another casino, Marty is immediately placed on the FBI’s radar. He is handed a warrant which allows the FBI to keep track of every single thing that takes place in the casinos.
However, will the Byrdes get through this? Tune in to find out, folks–it’s about to get crazy.