The Flight Attendant Episode 7 recap: Who really killed Alex Sokolov?

Michiel Huisman in The Flight Attendant Episode 2 "Rabbits" -- Photograph by Phil Caruso
Michiel Huisman in The Flight Attendant Episode 2 "Rabbits" -- Photograph by Phil Caruso

Miranda & Cassie hash things out and start working together in The Flight Attendant Episode 7.

After six episodes of believing Miranda was out to get her, Cassie learns the truth about her in The Flight Attendant Episode 7. At the end of the last episode, Miranda held Cassie at gunpoint to try and get to the bottom of her involvement with the entire Alex situation. Miranda thought Cassie killed Alex over the money he squirreled away in a secret bank account. She wasn’t the one to kill Agent Chavez, Sabrina or Alex, for that matter. All of those deaths were courtesy of Victor’s “contingency plan,” an agent named Feliks. But more on that later.

As the penultimate episode of the first season, Episode  7, fittingly titled “Hitchcock Double,” gives us a lot of answers and sets up what should be an epic finale. Let’s start with the title. It refers to the famous Alfred Hitchcock “double motif.” In the majority of Hitchcock’s films, you’ll find character doubles and doppelgangers. Miranda and Cassie are doubles of each other in many ways as they have contrasting appearances and personalities, but they discover they’re on the same team.

So, let’s break down some of the key things we learned in The Flight Attendant Episode 7:

  • Alex is the boy scout Cassie always wanted him to be. He didn’t know about the crazy Unisphere/Lionfish weapon smuggling, money-laundering, etc. mess. Once Alex found out what his family was doing, he stole $250 million of their client’s money to keep it safe.
  • Stealing the money set off a chain reaction that culminated in Alex’s death. Yes, Miranda wanted the money, but she didn’t kill Alex to get it, Feliks did — on Victor’s orders.
  • Max & Cassie learned that Alex took money when they hacked into the Lionfish server but didn’t know where it was. Cassie realizes that Alex’s copy of Crime and Punishment might hold the answers, and she’s right. Alex put all of the codes necessary in the novel. Feliks was unable to find what he was looking for in Alex’s hotel room because Cassie had his book and she took it with her when she left.
  • Since then, Feliks and Miranda have been stalking Cassie to see what she knows about the money. Miranda assumed Cassie would lead her straight to it since she wants it for herself.
  • Miranda is a morally gray character for sure, she does all kinds of illegal stuff and is very open about her murderous past! However, she isn’t Cassie’s enemy.

Now that the audience, Miranda and Cassie are all on the same page, the story can move forward. Before the Crime and Punishment reveal, Cassie turns to Annie for help, hoping Annie can get Miranda into hiding in exchange for information valuable to the FBI about Victor and the entire operation. Unfortunately, Annie resigned. She and Cassie do make amends, though, and Annie tells Cassie and Miranda to go wait for her in a nearby hotel until she can make some calls. Despite no longer being employed, she still wants to try and help.

Davey also wants to help his sister, but Cassie doesn’t want him to get hurt by becoming trapped in her tangled web. She tells him to stay put.

Miranda isn’t impressed with Annie’s lack of confidence so she advises Cassie to run away with her so they can disappear for good. To do that, they have to meet with Miranda’s contact, at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. You can imagine how that goes for Cassie, who is still in denial about her drinking problem. The meeting triggers all kinds of bad memories and trauma for Cassie. She has a panic attack that sends her bolting out of the room.

The Flight Attendant Episode 7 traumatic reveal: Cassie’s dad died in front of her during a drunk driving incident.

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We know Cassie’s dad died, but we didn’t know how until this episode. Through flashbacks, we learn Cassie and her dad were driving in his truck, chugging beers, and her dad crashed the car. Cassie blamed herself for his death because she was his “drinking buddy.”

She tells dream!Alex that her dad only drank heavily around her,  so therefore the fault lies with her. We all know that’s not true. Cassie was a kid and a victim of an abusive, alcoholic father. This girl needs serious therapy to comb through all those years of childhood trauma.

After the crash, a young, scared Cassie ran away and has continued running ever since. Every time things get hard, she runs.

She doesn’t want to do that anymore, so she asks Miranda if they come up with another plan to keep themselves alive. Miranda helps Cassie remember the copy of Crime and Punishment, which is still at Annie’s apartment. They go to retrieve it. Miranda has a renewed sense of optimism after seeing that Cassie’s theory bore fruit. With those codes and data, they can get the money, they have options again.

But just as they find the book, Feliks catches up to them. Miranda and Cassie run out the back and up the fire escape to the roofs where they have to jump across a sizable gap from one building to the next. In the process, Miranda drops the book on the ground as they go into hiding.

Shocking Twist Alert: Buckley is revealed to be Victor’s man Feliks in The Flight Attendant Episode 7.

While hiding from Feliks, Miranda tells Cassie that he is a genuine psychopath that has murdered women and children. As a child, there was an incident where he killed and gutted five cats, hanging them from a tree after. OMG! Buckley told Cassie an eerily similar story, except in his version, he found the cats hanging there and it traumatized them — he conveniently left out the bit about him doing it himself. Cassie puts two and two together and sneaks a peek at “Feliks.” Yep. It’s Buckley!

Considering all of the time and intimate moments she’s shared with him as of late, Cassie is understandably horrified. But this does give her and Miranda the upper hand. Yes, Buckley has possession of the book now, having picked it up after Miranda dropped it, but he doesn’t know that Cassie is aware of his true identity. They start to formulate a plan of how they can trap him and get rid of him once and for all on Cassie’s next flight to Rome. She’s going to have to be bait.

Other important developments from The Flight Attendant Episode 7

Megan: Bill is under investigation at work after Korean spyware is discovered on his laptop. He realizes that Megan must have done it since no one else uses his computer. Megan learns that Bill works with government contractors and seems to process the gravity of her situation. Up until now, Megan thought Bill worked in the tech industry, so I guess she thought it was okay to take his information and spy on him for shady men as long as it was just about technology? I’m a little perplexed how the Seoul guys and Megan’s side plot are going to tie into the overall arc, but I guess we’ll find out next week!

The FBI: Agent White remains the absolute worst, refusing to consider any other option apart from Cassie being a stone-cold murderer — even if it does make less and less sense. Agent Hammond, however, is becoming more and more suspicious of this entire investigation, especially when Agent Chavez fails to show up for work.

Annie & Max: Max finally wakes up at the hospital and Annie tells him he loves her! He also wants to know how things are going with Cassie. Annie remembers the Hello Kitty flash drive and asks Max to tell her exactly where he got hit so she can go retrieve it. Also, I really loved this exchange: “So, am I like your boyfriend now? “Okay, you know what? It’s just I love you okay? Just, you need to calm down, you know? I’m not an entirely different person now and you’re ruining a very cute moment, so.”

What did you think about The Flight Attendant Episode 7? Were you surprised by the Feliks/Buckley reveal? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

The first seven episodes of The Flight Attendant are now streaming on HBO Max. The season finale debuts next Thursday.