The Couple Next Door episode 5 sets up the upcoming finale nicely (Review)

With this being the penultimate episode of the season, it's clear what plot points will be tackled in the finale next week.
Courtesy of STARZ
Courtesy of STARZ

Well, this was certainly an episode of The Couple Next Door on Starz. I'll be honest, the series has been pretty predictable which doesn't make for the funnest watch. And though that doesn't really change this week, episode 5, "Ultimatum," I can't say that it doesn't gear us up well for the finale next week, because it certainly does. Here's our review of the episode. SPOILERS BELOW.

Couple Next Door, The - Season 1 2024
Courtesy of STARZ

The biggest and most important plot point is the fact that Evie is pregnant. This girl has gone down a deep downward spiral and I don't think she's going to be able to come back up. Mentally, she's completely obsessed with Danny right now, and even goes to seduce him. Unfortunately, Danny contiues to make the wrong choices and is easily seduced.

Oh my goodness. Then after they've done the deed, he tells Evie that he loves his wife, Becka. Ok, really? I mean I believe that he does love her. But clearly he was too weak to resist Evie too. Though she does drop a major bombshell on him, and that's the fact she's pregnant and he's the father. Which we all saw coming. I don't think I thought it was poor Pete's for even a second.

Obviously this is not great news for Danny, especially since he also has his other son with Lena who he hasn't told Becka about. Though now she knows about him since she followed Danny in episode 4 last week. Goodness gracious, these people's lives are so complicated. Evie's line of "it’s not you and Becka anymore, guess I’ll see you soon then," gave me chills. She does not care anymore and has this air and attitude about her now that's different.

Couple Next Door, The - Season 1 2024
Courtesy of STARZ

And speaking of complicated, Pete goes to the doctor and learns he has no viable sperm left. So he knows Evie was lying to him earlier that the baby is his. When they go out for dinner, he gives Evie an ultimatum - either get rid of the baby or they're done. She has two days to make a decision. Now look. I know Evie is not in her right mind at the moment. But this is a pretty harsh ultimatum. It's just a messy situation for everyone.

Elsewhere, Danny and Becka find out Alan is the one behind the website. Plus, Pete and Danny face Robby Spencer. The cliffhanger is that when Danny asks about his gun, Pete lies and says he doesn't have it. When in fact, he definitely does. We can kind of see the gears starting to turn in Pete's mind, which I think is leading us into what's going to happen in the finale next week, Feb. 21, 2025. Don't forget about the very first opening scene back in episode 1 with the foursome in the woods, and what looked like Pete running after Evie. Does he have the gun, perhaps?

Overall The Couple Next Door episode 5 kept my interest, much better than the previous episodes. It's a good penultimate episode that sets up the finale nicely. Though there's some revelations that have come to light, there's still a lot for the last episode to try and wrap up next week. We'll se how it goes! Episode grade level: B.

The Couple Next Door premieres new episodes Fridays on Starz.